TW’s Region 1 DVD Watchdog Volume 11

Travis Willock reviews

TW’s Region 1 Watchdog
V o l u m e # 1 11 3 N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 3

Pick of the week: ONCE UPON A TIME IN MEXICO

ONCE UPON A TIME IN MEXICO will street on January 20.

    The DVD willfeature a 1.78:1 anamorphic widescreen transfer…wait a minute! Thefilm was shown in 2.35:1 scope in every theater! Numerous sites haveconfirmed that the ratio has been “opened up”. This sounds like adirector descision so if Rodriguez wants it that way, it’s fine with me.Anyway, the disc also includes featurettes, documentaries, and numerousother things special editions are known for.


HOUSE OF THE DEAD will street on January 27.

    The DVD will feature a2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen transfer and will come packed withfeaturettes, deleted scenes, and more. Alas, a better version of themovie will not be included. Forget Dreamcatcher and Bringing Down theHouse this is the true stinker of 2003.


OUT OF TIME will street on January 6. The DVD will feature 2.35:1anamorphic widescreen and a fullscreen transfer. Several deleted scenesand featurettes make up the bonus features on this one.

    Excitement Factor: 2 out of 10. A predictable cop drama that has nomerit or meaning to exist. Denzel’s good in it though as is EvaMendes…


SECONDHAND LIONS will street on February 3. The DVD will featureseperate anamorphic 1.85:1 widescreen and fullscreen transfers. DeletedScenes, Featurettes, Commentaries, and more are expected.

    Excitement Factor: 4 out of 10. A touchy feely family flick-these are adime a dozen.

THE STUPIDS will street on February 3. The DVD will feature anamorphic1.85:1 widescreen and fullscreen transfers. The film’s trailer isinclued.

    Excitement Factor: 1 out of 10. I remember going to see this back in1996… I was the only one there, man did I feel stupid.


AMERICAN SPLENDOR will street on February 3. The DVD will feature ananamorphic 1.85:1 widescreen transfer. Commentary and severalfeaturettes are included.

    Excitement Factor: 7 out of 10. I’m curious to see what the excitement’sall about.

    (DVDfever Dom: “Same here. I was intrigued by the premisefor this movie upon seeing it discussed on BBC News 24’s ‘Talking Movies'”)


GRIND will street on February 3 (talk about a big releaseday…quantity wise) with seperate anamorphic 1.85:1 widescreen andfullscreen transfers. So far the only thing included as an extra is thetrailer.

    Excitement Factor: 0 out of 10. Not even worth my time to explain.


PLANET OF THE APES: 35th ANNIVERSARY EDITION will street on February 3in seperate 2.35:1 widescreen and fullscreen transfers. This one’spacked to the gills with extras so be sure to check this out.

    Excitement Factor: 8 out of 10. You know I’ve never seen this? I haveseen the Tim Burton remake though…hey you in the front put that fruitdown!


    As usual, take these with a grain of salt.

    Actually the only one I have for you this week is a crazy rumor aboutTHE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS coming to DVD in December or January due to itbeing a “disappointment” box office wise. Yeah right, don’t believethat one…

Review copyright © Travis Willock, 2003.

EmailTravis Willock
