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Dom Robinson reviews

Special Edition

Distributed by


From Russia With Love is what James Bond (Sean Connery) writes on the postcard of Tatiana Romanova (Daniela Bianchi) which he leaves in the hands of Miss Moneypenny as he sets off, once again, to find the bad guys.

S.P.E.C.T.R.E. are none too happy since the defeat of Dr. No and Bond's task is to break in and find a Lektor decoding machine, a device so complex it makes Alan Turing's Enigma machine look like an abacus. First he must meet up with Kerim Bay (Pedro Armendáriz), head of Station T, Turkey and bring back Tatiana - who wants to defect - and the Lektor back to England.

The chief baddies are Lotte Lenya as Rosa Klebb, the inspiration for Austin Powers' Frau Farbissina and Donald "Red" Grant (Robert Shaw, some twelve years before he did battle with a rubber shark)

Bond girls come in different shapes and sizes but 007 pulled a blinder when he stops a girl-fight over who gets to marry a certain man - and ends up bedding them both.

This film marks the first appearance for Desmond Llewelyn as Q, although here he's referred to as "The equipment officer from Q-branch", so not quite as snappy then.

Once again, the film was shot an intended for cinematic presentation at 1.66:1 in Europe, while being matted to 1.85:1 for the USA. Here we have an anamorphic 16:9 version which just appears to crop a little of the top and bottom that would normally have been seen in European cinemas - but that's fine since I would have zoomed in the picture to fill my widescreen TV.

The print is fairly clean and does look a little dated, but then it is almost 40 years old. The average bitrate is a fine 6.3Mb/s, often peaking at 8Mb/s.

The sound is in the original mono as you'd expect. In the days of Dolby Digital 5.1 multi-channel surround sound, any action moments may sound a bit muted compared to that featured in more recent films while the score is lifted to shriek through the speakers, but again you know what to expect and the Bond main Bond theme always packs a punch.

Extras :

Chapters :

The usual 32 chapters for an MGM, which is an excellent amount. If only some other DVD companies could take a lesson from this one.

Languages & Subtitles :

English is the only language on the disc - in Dolby Digital Mono - and there are subtitles for English (and hard of hearing).

And there's more... :

MGM seem to be pulling out all the stops for their Bond collection and starting with the first Bond film made we have a great amount for you to sink your teeth into. Some of the content, particularly the TV spots, aren't exactly first-rate in terms of picture quality and sound, but it adds to the nostalgic quality and all the interviews are clear and easy to hear.

Menu :

Another cool animated and scored main menu with a chess theme, the game that opens the film. The initial screen offers you the choice to start the film, select a scene, choose a language or watch the extras.

A second Bond film and another one I haven't seen before, save for some parts of it. The only problem with this film is that there's too many slow bits in it and today's action fans will find it rather underwhelming at times.

However, the picture and sound are just as you expect and there's stacks of supplemental material, proving that MGM are shaping up Bond's outings on DVD to be extra-packed.



The following is a list of all the Bond films now available in production order with their dates of release, followed by the unofficial movies:

Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2000.

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