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Dan Owen reviews
Series 2 Episode 10: "Love and Monsters"

Broadcast on BBC1, Saturday June 17th, 2006

Cover Series 1 Boxset:
Series 2 Part 4:
Series 2 Boxset:

Cover Synopsis: An ordinary man named Elton Pope (right) becomes obsessed with The Doctor and joins a group of like-minded people in hopes of finding him. But when the mysterious Victor Kennedy joins the group, the fun soon stops and Elton discovers a darker side to his hobby.

Russell T. Davies eschews the Doctor Who formula for Love & Monsters, an episode that removes the emphasis on The Doctor and focuses on obsessive loner Elton Pope (Marc Warren, a sort of younger-looking Malcolm McDowell - DVDfever Dom adds: "I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks this!")

It transpires that Elton met The Doctor when he was small boy and has become obsessed with finding him ever since - so much so that he joins a group of like-minded people who call themselves the London Investigations 'N Detective Agency (L.I.N.D.A).

Love & Monsters walks a fine line between being agreeably different and embarrassingly awful. For the most part is succeeds on a silly level that kids will enjoy, and Davies is clearly having fun with the chance to fool around with Who conventions. The episode also gives Davies a chance to flex his comedy muscles with more success than when he shoehorns gags into dramatic stories.

Here, the emphasis is clearly on comedy from the opening sequence (which includes The Doctor, Rose and a monster in homage to Scooby Doo!) I still don't find Davies particular brand of family-friendly comedy particularly amusing, but there are some nice scenes and a few gags that hit their targets.

Cover Peter Kay makes an impression as Victor Kennedy (a posh eccentric with a cane, top-right), and his alter-ego The Abzorbaloff (a sort of cross between Fungus The Bogeyman and Fat Bastard from Austin Powers, right).

Marc Warren performs well in a comedic role, managing to keep the right level of dramatics and comedy bubbling along. The supporting cast are mainly inconsequential, although Shirley Henderson (Moaning Myrtle in the Harry Potter films) was a memorably geeky love-interest. Camille Codouri also returned as Jackie Tyler, a character that can veer from extremely irritating to lovably real in the blink of an eye. Fortunately, Davies wrote her particular subplot with just the right combination of laughs and humanity - as Elton infiltrated her life to find Rose, while Jackie had more romantic thoughts in mind.

The effects are fairly good, particularly the rubber-suit of the Abzorbaloff with its CGI-assisted faces of past victims appearing all over its body. Quite a freaky effect and expertly achieved. However, later sequences when the Abzorbaloff is called upon to run around outside should have been abandoned. There's nothing quite as silly as seeing a full-body shot of a man running around in a rubber fat-suit (but maybe that was the intention.)

In essence, I was entertained by Love & Monsters most of the time, particularly in its first-half, but the joke began to wear thin after a while. Davies is still completely out of his depth when it comes to plotting science-fiction, and the whole Kennedy/Abzorbaloff plot was obvious and sign-posted at every turn.

The Jackie/Elton romance was far more interesting, yet tragically underused. Davies is also a writer clearly in love with his own written mythology, so there are lots of comments about past Davies-penned episodes and flashbacks. Luckily, in the context of the plot these worked much better than you'd expect - particularly the scenes where Elton witnessed key events such as the Auton attack (Rose), the alien ship crash-landing (Aliens Of London) and a giant spaceship appearing overhead (The Christmas Invasion).

Overall, this was a brave episode for daring to think outside of the box, but a stronger overall plot would have made all the difference. Love & Monsters was just too frivolous and empty most of the time, lacking an emotional bite - despite a ham-fisted attempt to provide one when Elton's relationship with The Doctor is finally explained.

I can't say I hated this episode, because at least it attempted to do something different and it did provide a few cheap laughs along the way, but ultimately it was just too unsubstantial and light-hearted to make much of an impression.

However, I suppose Russell T. Davies does deserve some kudos for managing to allude to a face-on-a-paving stone giving its boyfriend a blowjob.

NEXT WEEK: The Doctor and Rose arrive in 2012, just in time to witness the London Olympics...


Review copyright © Dan Owen, 2006.

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