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The Dominator reviews

Rainmaker logo

They were totally unqualified to try the case of a lifetime...
but every underdog has his day.

Distributed by
Paramount Pictures

Viewed at Manchester Showcase Cinemas.
Telephone 0161 220 8765 for programme information

Rainmaker logo




Original Score :

Cast :

T he Rainmaker is the latest in the series of film adaptations of the novels by critically-acclaimed author John Grisham, which include The Firm, The Pelican Brief, The Client and 1996's A Time To Kill.

In similar fashion to some of Grisham's works, The Rainmaker is a story of a young up-and-coming lawyer, Rudy Baylor, played by Matt Damon one of the new stars of Hollywood who won an Oscar for co-writing Good Will Hunting with Ben Affleck. Rudy secures a job with a law firm owned by J. Lyman "Bruiser" Stone (an aging Mickey Rourke) and is promised highly lucrative cases in return for hard work and dedication to the company.

He already has two cases on his books: one is a possible insurance scandal between a young man, Donnie Ray Black (Johnny Whitworth) suffering from leukemia and the insurance company, Great Benefit; and the other is an old lady, Miss Birdie (Teresa Wright) who wants to cut her children out of her will and give all the money to a television evangelist, believing it to be the right thing to do.

As corruption centres around the practices of "Bruiser" Stone, Rudy and fellow colleague Deck Shiffler (Danny DeVito), neither of whom have passed their Bar exams yet - Rudy is studying for the first time round while Deck has failed them for the past six years, break away to form their own partnership working on a "no-win no-fee" basis and taking a third of any revenue from successful cases.

Rudy's problems increase when he takes on another case of a beaten wife, Kelly Riker (Claire Danes), and gets more involved than he originally intended. As that case and Miss Birdie's begin to intertwine, the condition of Donny Ray Black worsens and all the odds are stacked against Rudy to fight one of the biggest cases he'll ever face with one of the best lawyers around, Leo F. Drummond (Jon Voight), working for the opposition.

This film is packed with top-notch performances from all concerned, from the younger members of the cast in Matt Damon and Claire Danes to established actors with sizeable parts such as Jon Voight, Danny DeVito and Danny Glover as Judge Tyrone Kipler.

To top if off there are a host of cameo roles from Dean Stockwell as Judge Harvey Hale who also has a hand in the case, Virginia Madsen as an ex-employee of Great Benefit who is called to the witness stand, Mickey Rourke, Roy Scheider as the C.E.O. of Great Benefit, and Andrew Shue (Kelly's husband Cliff) who I didn't recognise in his guise here, and who is better-known in his role of Billy Campbell in Melrose Place.

Overall, if I had a couple of reservations about this film, it would be that most book-to-film transitions lose some plot along the way so certain elements, such as "Bruiser" Stone's corrupt business dealings, appear to be glossed over to a degree; and the more Grisham books that are turned into films, the more we know how things are going to turn out in the end. However, this film certainly comes well-recommended for anyone who enjoys a complex thriller, and excels from having a fine cast and director (Francis Ford Coppola).

Also, check out Jeremy's PAL Laserdisc review and the official Rainmaker site at : www.therainmaker.com

Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 1998.

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