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Dom Robinson reviews

Tomb Raider Trilogy

for PC CD-Rom

Distributed by
Eidos Interactive Limited

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  • Price: £34.99
  • Players : 1
  • System Requirements :
    • Windows 95/98
    • Pentium PC 166 Mhz (200 Mhz recommended)
    • 16Mb RAM (32Mb RAM rec.)
    • Quad-speed CD-ROM Drive
    • DirectX 6.0 (included on CD)
    • Supports most major 3D acceleration graphics cards and compatible soundcards through DirectX 6.0

  • The Tomb Raider Trilogy brings together the first three games in the successful Lara Croft franchise. To summarise:

    Tomb Raider:

    Tomb Raider II:

    Tomb Raider III:

    What's new for the Tomb Raider Trilogy?

    It's worth noting that the PC specifications atop this review are for the third game, the first two not requiring as fast a PC, but then if you haven't got a spec. this high, you're more likely to purchase the individual games rather than this collection.

    game Pic


    The following are the moves used in Tomb Raider II which also includes the basics for the first game.


    Running, walking and taking side-steps are basic operations that performs as you'd imagine, but after performing a forward jump, pressing down or roll will make Lara somersault in mid-air and land facing the opposite direction. This also works when taking a backward jump if you press up or roll.


    While underwater Lara can hold her breath for about two minutes, and the direction keys will control where she goes in conjunction with the jump key which will push her forward. She can also pull levers and pick up objects underwater by getting as close as you can and pressing Action.

    Lara can also swim on the surface, with the side-step buttons making her swim sideways in those directions. Pressing jump will make Lara dive, while Action will make her climb out.

    In this sequel, Lara can now wade in shallow water. Controls are similar to those when walking, except Lara can only jump on the spot, and her movement is slower.


    Lara begins the game carrying a two pistols for John Woo-style two-handed action, plus a shotgun, but along the way she will find semi-automatic pistols, an M16 gun as well as a grenade launcher.

    Other actions

    Lara can vault over some obstacles by pressing Up and Action together. It's also interesting to note that when climbing up to a surface that can be jumped onto, you can also stand in front of it, jump up, THEN press action and you'll finish standing on it instead of having to pull yourself up.

    Some walls are climbable, and in one of her new moves, Lara can climb up a wall by pressing Up and Action to jump and hang onto a handhold. Pressing the cursor keys will move her in the direction required, and jump will make Lara jump backwards away from the wall.

    If Lara is near to a ledge while jumping, holding the Action key will make her grab the ledge in front of her and hang there. She can then either shimmy across from side to side or pull herself up.

    The Action key can be used to pick up objects by standing in front of them, be they objects already on the ground, or left behind by dead baddies after they have fallen to the ground. Similarly, the Action key will activate switches in front of her.

    When Lara is in the correct position to use one of the objects she has collected to solve a puzzle, pressing Action will call up the Inventory Ring enabling you to select the required item.

    When in a dark area, a flare is available to illuminate the situation. These last for about a minute, and will remain in Lara's hand while vaulting, running or climbing. However, if Lara draws her weapons she will drop it. It can, however, be thrown a short distance first by pressing the flare button again.

    The look button, when used in conjunction with the cursor keys, allows Lara to look in all available directions. If you're not facing forward when trying to line Lara up for a jump, pressing Look on its own will make her face forward.

    When using vehicles, the cursor keys will take her in the requisite direction. Holding down 'Walk' will make her vehicle travel slower, while 'Action' will make her travel faster or fire weapons if the vehicle has that capability. Pressing Jump and either left or right, will choose which side to exit.

    Additional Actions for Tomb Raider III


    Sprinting is now a possibility. Need a quick burst of energy? Don't have another doughnut, just press the Sprint key. A small energy bar will appear and when that bar depletes Lara will revert back to a run.

    Other actions

    Lara is now able to Duck and Crawl by pressing the crawl key and holding that down whilst using the cursor keys. If Lara is not able to stand up, then holding this key down is not necessary, but when she is able to stretch her pixelated legs, she will resume her erect position.

    Monkey is not only the name of a highly-popular Japanese TV show from the 1980s, but is also one-half of the phrase Monkey Swing and if Lara discovers an overhead frame she may decide to "Monkey Swing" across it. To perform this, press the Jump key and then Action to jump and then cling onto the frame. Keep the Action key held down whilst pressing the cursor keys to move Lara in your chosen direction.

    Pressing the Left and Right cursor keys will cause Lara to rotate, while releasing the Action key will drop Lara like a stone.

    And one other thing...

    Unlike the first two games, after completing the India levels, you will be presented with an Area Selection screen, allowing you to choose which one of the three remaining areas to visit first: London, South Pacific or Area 51.

    You can choose each of these in any order and upon completion, you shall finish up in Antarctica for the final leg of your journey.

    Graphics, Sound and Playability

    As ever, there's great fluidity and movement in the game engine, displaying crisp, fast and smooth graphics. However, if the Lara series is to continue beyond adventure No.4, things will have to change radically.

    The sound effects and music match this too. From the music on the start screen, to the special effects and music which shout out at you during the game, everything is very good indeed, but still the same.

    The playability is spot-on throughout the series. The controls allow Lara to move simply around the environment be it simply running, or running along up to a ledge, performing a forward roll and then pressing Action to hold onto the ledge before swinging forward to clear certain items. Sounds like a complicated manoeuvre, but it could be the sort of movement you'll need to perform many a time.

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    Now four games on - including a turn on the Dreamcast console - and the cult of Lara Croft continues. When Lara was portrayed in the media by model-turned-Pepsi Chart Show presenter Rhona Mitra, Ms. Mitra was due to release a single in the UK a while back called Raiders. It never materialised in this country, but France were allowed to hear her dulcet tones on an album entitled Come Alive which was more like an extended 12" single, since most of the tracks are remixes, but on the plus-side, it was produced by Dave Stewart.

    Afterwards, came Man-O-Man chicken-skinned-bimbo-turned-model Nell McAndrew (real first name: Tracey). It was when she appeared naked and bald that she came to the fore, but I really wished she'd been left at the "three" as she turned out as appealing as Sinead O'Connor's lesbian sister.

    After a brief spell for Lara Weller, the model on the right, is the current Lara, 16-year-old Lucy Clarkson, thus replicating the young 16-year-old Lara in level one of Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation, although the film version will be portrayed by Angelina Jolie.

    Tomb Raider Trilogy is a package that's going to appeal to those new to the series in the main and is out not long after the fourth game was released on PC, Playstation and Dreamcast. Sure, games with much better graphics have come out since these three were released but if you haven't given Lara a spin for yourself, this is certainly a great package with which to get started.



    Please check out my reviews for Lara's separate adventures in :

    If you're after some more info on Eidos Interactive's games, you can check out their official Website at or the

    Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2000.

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