15 Years Of Xbox – Midtown Madness 3 is a highlight #15YearsOfXbox

15 Years Of Xbox 15 Years Of Xbox & a firm favourite was Midtown Madness 3.

Yes, the original Xbox is 15 years old, today! (and when the time came to get it online and install a network interface connector card to my PC and make the Xbox like it, DAMN, that was difficult!!!)

However, in this game, get in a bus and smash through the smaller traffic. Put my CD of David Bowie‘s Never Let Me Down into the Xbox, copy the tracks onto the hard drive and listen to them on the go. I never seemed to be able to get that same effect any other time, as when I tried the same on the Xbox 360, the music was far too quiet.

And when I was into Xbox Live, I zoomed down the streets of Paris, in a game hosted by one of several French blokes, ended up miles away from them as one of them had the rabbit, and by chance, I went through a junction just as the rabbit-holder crossed my path, and I took it!

They all started swearing at me. I then retorted childishly by shouting, “Haw-hee-haw-hee-haw!”

And then they kicked me from the game. It is not my finest hour.

Wish I’d recorded that, though. Not sure why I didn’t, as I used to run my Xbox through my original TiVo at the time. Some games ran 60fps and couldn’t be recorded via SCART, and I’m not sure if that was one of them.

Now I have an Xbox One, can Microsoft hurry up and make this one available?

Check out some gaming action below of Midtown Madness 3!
