Entourage is the film version of the sitcom of the same name where suddenly-risen film star Vince Chase (Adrian Grenier), a ‘jeune premier’ of humble origins, learns the ropes of the business and the the …
Continue readingAuthor: Dom Robinson
Maggie – Official Trailer #1 – Arnold Schwarzenegger, Abigail Breslin Movie HD
Maggie is the name of both the film and a teenage girl (Abigail Breslin) in the Midwest who becomes infected by an outbreak of a disease that slowly turns the infected into cannibalistic zombies. During …
Continue readingTerminator Genisys – Living One-Sheet – Paramount Pictures UK
Terminator Genisys is due out this summer and today, a “Living One-sheet” has been released. What’s that? It’s like a poster, sort-of… Arnold Schwarzenegger (right, sort-of) is back!… in his original role, which was a …
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The Gunman – The DVDfever Cinema Review
The Gunman stars Sean Penn in the lead role as action man Jim Terrier. He’s one of a number of men, involved in an operation far away, where they all did very bad things that …
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Network Special Edition on Blu-ray – The DVDfever Review
Network is one of those classic films I haven’t seen until now, this one being centered around Howard Beale (Peter Finch), a fantastically successful newscaster whose luck started to change in 1969 when his ratings …
Continue readingMortal Kombat X – PS4 Predator Trailer
Mortal Kombat X is the tenth main title in the Mortal Kombat series, hence the X, and will continue the usual of having special moves, combos and gruesome fatalities! You can also interact with the …
Continue readingBatman Arkham Knight – PS4 Gameplay video
Batman Arkham Knight is the explosive finale to the Arkham series, and now a new gameplay video has been released showing some fantastic PS4 footage, which looks great as usual, mixing CGI scenes in mid-game …
Continue readingMission Impossible Rogue Nation – Official Trailer #1 – Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg Spy Movie HD
Mission Impossible Rogue Nation is the fifth in the now-seemingly-never-ending series starring Tom Cruise as CIA agent Ethan Hunt, but for me, only the first one was completely worth of yor time, while the third …
Continue readingFamily Guy and American Dad move to ITV2 this Autumn
Family Guy and American Dad are two great shows that Seth McFarlane does very well. Certainly a lot better than his films, Ted and A Million Ways To Die In The West, both of which …
Continue readingThe DUFF – censored for an entire scene! Another film cut by a distributor, not the BBFC
The DUFF is a forthcoming daft comedy, released in the UK on April 6th, which doesn’t refer to where-is-she-now actress Hilary Duff, Johnny Vegas-starring Ideal sitcom creator Graham Duff, nor Homer Simpson’s favourite tipple, but …
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