Hansel & Gretel – everyone knows the fairy tale about these siblings, where they came across a house made of candy in the forest, ate some of it, then went inside and encounted a witch …
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New DVDs & Blu-ray releases, Movie, TV & Gaming Reviews!
Hansel & Gretel – everyone knows the fairy tale about these siblings, where they came across a house made of candy in the forest, ate some of it, then went inside and encounted a witch …
Continue readingStolen opens with a great sequence with Will Montomery (Nicolas Cage) committing a $10m heist with Vincent (Josh Lucas), seemingly unknowingly while being watched by the FBI, while partners-in-crime Riley (Malin Akerman) and Hoyt (M.C. …
Continue readingThe Paperboy – Before I saw this, I wanted to like it more than I did. This was because it’s got two great lead actors who can pull off a blinding performance when they’ve got …
Continue readingOz: The Great and Powerful: (Spoilers ahead) I really didn’t fancy this at all. I mean, with a very few honourable exceptions (X-Men First Class, Indiana Jones and The Temple Of Doom) prequels are uniformly …
Continue readingCloud Atlas is a film I hadn’t even heard of until a few days before watching it, but there was something intriguing about it in the way it mixes six different stories, each from a …
Continue readingLincoln: If you keep seeing Daniel Day-Lewis popping up on news items for winning another award, then you’ll probably have heard of his latest film role – playing America’s most venerated President in Steven Spielberg’s …
Continue readingFlight is the one about Denzel Washington playing Captain William “Whip” Whitaker, a functioning alcholic and drug addict who, after a heavy night with air hostess, Trina (Nadine Velazquez), he takes to the sky in …
Continue readingBullet To The Head has a lot of strings to its bow. It starts off by showing Sylvester Stallone putting lots of bullets in people’s heads, but then moves on to show him putting bullets …
Continue readingI see an awful lot of kids films. Hell I’ve sat through Barbie and Zhu Zhu Pet films so it’s always a treat when a film comes along like this one that your little one …
Continue readingThe Last Stand: “Don’t try to see death coming. You won’t.” “He’s back!” cried the publicity, as Arnold Schwarzenegger returned to the big-screen for his first major film lead since the flop which no-one went …
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