Clash of the Titans 2010 starts with Mythology 101: We learn that the Titans were powerful but their reigns were ended by their sons, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Zeus got Hades to create a strong …
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District 9 on Blu-ray – The DVDfever Review
District 9 begins with the news that the aliens first arrived in 1982, in what is basically an opening documentary-style piece. A large alien ship appears over Johannesbourg, rather than a major city, hovered there …
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2012 – You know what this one’s about. It’s the one where the world ends. But how? Well, in 2009, deputy geologist Dr Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor) finds out from his friend in India, Dr. …
Continue reading(500) Days of Summer on Blu-ray – The DVDfever Review
(500) Days of Summer is an anti-love story. Well, it certainly isn’t conventional, but we begin with Tom Hansen (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), who works at a greetings card company trying to come up with new holidays …
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The Hurt Locker on Blu-ray – The DVDfever Review – Jeremy Renner
The Hurt Locker begins with a robot examining a suspect package after the town has been evicted. Uncovering the item, we see that confirms it contains a bomb. However, upon taking back some explosives to …
Continue readingTwelve Monkeys on Blu-ray – The DVDfever Review
Twelve Monkeys stars Bruce Willis as Cole, a man living in the year 2035 as a member of the 1% of the population left on Earth, thanks to a mystery virus which swept the planet …
Continue readingThe Elephant Man on Blu-ray – The DVDfever Review
The Elephant Man is how John Merrick (portrayed by John Hurt, who was nominated for an Oscar and won a BAFTA for his performance) was dubbed when appearing at the local circus show, in the …
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Leon on Blu-ray – The DVDfever Review – Jean Reno, Natalie Portman
Leon is a hitman, a professional killer with no equal. That much is clear to see from the opening scene. If there’s a chance you happen to come across him, it will most likely be …
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Hardware Special Edition on Blu-ray – The DVDfever Review
Hardware is set out in the sticks, or what would pass for the sticks amongst a desolate planet. Moses Baxter (Dylan McDermott) finds and brings home the head of a defective maintenance droid, found out …
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The Transsiberian is a train that takes a 6-day trip across the old Soviet Union from Beijing to Moscow. As the film begins, however, we learn that there’s been a murder on a Russian boat …
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