Den Of Thieves: When I first heard of this, I couldn’t see how it could last almost two-and-a-half hours, as I don’t think most films should run more than two, but was I right? Well, …
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New DVDs & Blu-ray releases, Movie, TV & Gaming Reviews!
Den Of Thieves: When I first heard of this, I couldn’t see how it could last almost two-and-a-half hours, as I don’t think most films should run more than two, but was I right? Well, …
Continue readingDownsizing is all about miniaturising people to save the planet. If they’re smaller, they’ll use up less resources, and they can kiss goodbye to the alleged problem of man-made global warming. Since the individuals taking …
Continue readingEarly Man takes us back to the dawn of man, with lead character Dug (Eddie Redmayne) looking very much like the cheese-loving Wallace with his goofy teeth. Baddie of the piece goes to Lord Nooth …
Continue readingSolo: A Star Wars Story – Beforehand, I had a really bad feeling about this. Why? when I first heard about the man who was playing Han Solo, I was instantly disheartened. It’s Alden Ehrenreich …
Continue readingThe Commuter starts with an overlong intro that shows Michael (Liam Neeson) living the same kind of day over and over, as we all do when going to work. So we get it – without …
Continue readingDeadpool 2: You’ll laugh! You’ll cry! You’ll hear naughty words! First off, there’s a BIG Logan spoiler – as well as a non-spoilery note that the Wolverine was ‘riding on his coat tails’ for getting …
Continue readingSpace Truckers initially centres around intergalactic delivery driver John Canyon (Dennis Hopper) taking wide loads from A to B across the universe, in his space truck known as Bitchin’ Betty, but when dropping into the …
Continue readingAll the Money in the World is a film that feels like the real drama happened off-screen rather than on, but I’ll come to that in a bit. The premise is simple enough. J Paul …
Continue readingThe Cured has an interesting premise in that, after a zombie outbreak, someone managed to cure a number of them, so they can rejoin the rest of society… but are they REALLY cured? What do …
Continue readingAllure is another one of those films where I’m going to be out of step with a lot of people because when I checked IMDB, it had a score of around 4.6/10. They must have …
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