Velvet Buzzsaw looked, from the trailer, like Netflix has knocked it out of the park again, as it teams up Nightcrawler (one of the best films of its year) with its effervescent star Jake Gyllenhaal, …
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New DVDs & Blu-ray releases, Movie, TV & Gaming Reviews!
Velvet Buzzsaw looked, from the trailer, like Netflix has knocked it out of the park again, as it teams up Nightcrawler (one of the best films of its year) with its effervescent star Jake Gyllenhaal, …
Continue readingGreen Book looked from the trailer like a colour-swap version of Driving Miss Daisy, as working-class Italian-American bouncer Tony Vallelonga – aka Tony Lip (Viggo Mortensen) – becomes the driver for African-American classical pianist Don …
Continue readingCan You Ever Forgive Me? marked a rare departure for me – a return to actually WANTING to watch a Melissa McCarthy movie after the godawful 2016 Ghostbusters reboot, but that’s because this is (a) …
Continue readingGris is one of those games which is rarely like anything you’ve played before, but which at the same time, does. It’s immensely difficult to explain what it’s all about because I didn’t understand it …
Continue readingPure brings us Marnie (Charly Clive), and while a lot of us have some form of OCD, for the leading lady, she’s suffers from the form known as ‘Pure O’. Dom RobinsonReviewer of movies, videogames …
Continue readingMile 22 is a film I particularly looked forward to last year, since it was the fourth time director Peter Berg had worked with Mark Wahlberg, and they had a fantastic track record with Lone …
Continue readingThe Stand Up Sketch Show looked like a box-ticking exercise from the trailer – he’s got a beard, she’s got a silly name (London?) But how will it work in reality? Dom RobinsonReviewer of movies, …
Continue readingThe Predator is a film which I was led to believe followed on directly from the 1987 original with Arnie, and it doesn’t. Some time has passed since then, so I can only assume we’re …
Continue readingDanny Dyer’s Right Royal Family shows that if you going to make a documentary, these days, it HAS to have the name of the presenter included, as if viewers are so thick that they not …
Continue readingVice opens on Sept 11th, 2001, as Dick Cheney (Christian Bale, above) is rushed into the Presidential Emergency Operations Centre, so he’s kept out of harm’s way, and then goes back to the start, in …
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