Elite Dangerous is one of a few reviews I meant to do some time ago, but around then, my father died and it felt like my brain exploded and bits of it went spinning into …
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New DVDs & Blu-ray releases, Movie, TV & Gaming Reviews!
Elite Dangerous is one of a few reviews I meant to do some time ago, but around then, my father died and it felt like my brain exploded and bits of it went spinning into …
Continue readingMad Max – this is the game where some of the graphics settings aren’t just ‘high’ or ‘ultra’… they’re MAX! Max Rockatansky (voiced by Bren Foster – Home And Away, Days Of Our Lives), who …
Continue readingBoy Meets Girl may sound like an original idea, bringing transgender characters into a sitcom, with a man falling in love with a trans girl, but a quick search online gives us the 2014 American …
Continue readingCradle to Grave is set in the 1970s, recalling Danny Baker‘s childhood having been based on his autobiography “Going To Sea In A Sieve”, starting off with the man, himself, narrating, but it soon changed …
Continue readingSenran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson is, as its title states a sequel to Senran Kagura. I never played the first game or heard of it so when I was offered the chance to review the …
Continue readingMadman begins with tales around the summer camp campfire before bedtime on Halloween, the last one being told by Max (Carl Fredericks) about Madman Marz who quietly killed his family with an axe, was eventually …
Continue readingThe Trials of Jimmy Rose stars Ray Winstone as the titular character, getting out of jail after he was imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit… no, that was actually The A-Team. In Jimmy’s case, …
Continue readingNightmare City – there are zombie films, and then there are zombies who have knives! And machetes! And axes! And those that just rip your face off. Although made in 1980, since a lot of …
Continue readingState of Grace stars Sean Penn as Terry Noonan, an undercover cop who’s tasked with sorting out what’s rotten in the state of New York, namely the nefarious doings of Frankie Flannery (Ed Harris) and …
Continue readingHitman Agent 47 is the second attempt at bringing the big baldy bastard with his big Ballers to the silver screen. The key to being a good hitman is to appear ‘invisible’. That is, to …
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