Fortitude Episode 12 signals the end of ‘Eldorado In The Arctic‘ – bad acting, random accents and disjointed storylines. Yes, it’s the 1992 soap all over again! Vincent’s still trapped inside with Dr Allerdyce and …
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Fortitude Episode 12 signals the end of ‘Eldorado In The Arctic‘ – bad acting, random accents and disjointed storylines. Yes, it’s the 1992 soap all over again! Vincent’s still trapped inside with Dr Allerdyce and …
Continue readingThe Trial of Elizabeth Gadge is the third episode of series 2 of Inside No.9, and showed us a peek into the (made-up) world of Witchfinder Generals, those two holding court being Mr Warren (Reece …
Continue readingElite: Mostly Harmless charts the story of Commander Angel Rose, space-trading this and that to eke out a living, shooting into hyperspace across the galaxies, and trying to avoid not only vicious pirates out to …
Continue readingCode of a Killer told the first part of a story about the murder of young teenager Lynda Mann, on November 21st 1983, whose body was found on park grounds the morning after she went …
Continue readingResident Evil Revelations 2 is part of a long running series which began in 1996 with Resident Evil, and is a game which needs no introduction, but, hey, I’ll give you one anyway. The whole …
Continue readingFortitude Episode 11 means we’re at the penultimate episode of one of the biggest disappointments in television history, so that’s something to be thankful for, at least. Well, Dan did have a change of heart …
Continue readingThunderbirds Are Go is yet another reboot for the series which once started with marionette puppets, back in the mid-60s and now, inevitably, relies solely on CGI, and while it contains a new version of …
Continue readingInterstellar has arrived on Blu-ray and DVD this week, and the first question you’ll ask is – does it work on the smaller screen? Pretty much, is the short answer, but I’ll go into more …
Continue readingThe 12 Days Of Christine, the second episode of series 2 of Inside No.9, starred Sheridan Smith in the titular role as a woman living in an apartment which was in severe need of updating …
Continue readingRollerball is 40 years old this year, and is another of those classic movies which Arrow are bringing to the small screen with the Special Edition Blu-ray treatment. Set in the near future, Jonathan E …
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