Listen comes hot on the heels of the dreadful Robot of Sherwood, and a return to Steven Moffat writing the episode, meaning there’s high expectations for Peter Capaldi‘s Doctor to deliver the “darkness” he promised …
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New DVDs & Blu-ray releases, Movie, TV & Gaming Reviews!
Listen comes hot on the heels of the dreadful Robot of Sherwood, and a return to Steven Moffat writing the episode, meaning there’s high expectations for Peter Capaldi‘s Doctor to deliver the “darkness” he promised …
Continue readingFrank – How to describe Frank? “Misfire of the century” would be one way to describe Frank. In fact, Frank probably breaks my record for the lowest expectations I’ve ever had for a film. That …
Continue readingRobot of Sherwood is the Robin Hood episode which, when I saw the trailer, filled my heart with dread because it looked about as far removed from Peter Capaldi‘s Doctor’s promise of going “into darkness” …
Continue readingSabotage brings Arnold Schwarzenegger back to the screen as Breacher, the leader of a DEA task force who deal with the bad guys by ‘breaching’ their abodes to take them down. They’re not strictly on …
Continue readingInto the Dalek begins with The Doctor picking up Journey Blue (Fresh Meat‘s Zawe Ashton) from her ship, Aristotle, just before it’s been destroyed, and in trying to help, he winds up in a hospital …
Continue readingInto The Storm is the film I was expecting to outdo Twister in the special effects stakes, especially since it’s been 18 years since Speed’s Jan De Bont threw a cow in our face, much …
Continue readingRPG: Real Playing Game brings a return to the screen for Rutger Hauer as Steve Battier, a millionaire who’s dying, but can live again by having his old brain placed in a young body. Unfortunately, …
Continue readingThe Double is writer/director Richard Ayoade‘s second full feature following his debut, Submarine, and whereas that one didn’t work for me fully, there were a great number of elements in there, particularly the visuals, that …
Continue readingDeep Breath is the first full new episode of Doctor Who to star the superb Peter Capaldi, after his all-too-brief appearance at the end of the Christmas episode, after he regenerated from Matt Smith’s incarnation, …
Continue readingPride is a new British film based on real events, set during the miner’s strike. Joe (George MacKay), nicknamed Bromley for a large portion of the film, since that’s from where he hails, is a …
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