Conflict: Desert Storm

Dom Robinson reviews

Conflict: Desert Storm
for Sony Playstation 2Distributed by
game Pic

  • Price: £39.99
  • Players: 1

    Conflict: Desert Storm:It’s late 1990, Saddam Hussein is refusing to allow arms inspectionsand back home in Blighty, Ken Livingstone and Jeffrey Archer are getting oneveryone’s nerves… so it could be 2002, then. Sadly, you don’t get to takea pop at either of those two terrors, but instead get to aim for the ugly spudin Iraq, or wherever he’s hiding out this time.

    The game begins with the morning after the night before when some of yourcolleagues were shot and killed, while another was captured. Find him, rescuehim, sneak out some C4 and blow the bridge on which the ambush took place.Easier said than done…

    Graphics are reasonable but not outstanding. They’re not jagged like somePS2 games have been lately – and give a decent representation of the environmenton view, but when you move about your man moves a little jerkily, if there issuch a word.

  • game PicSound’s okay, with spot FX for gunfire and explosions (yes, they’re not exactlymeaty and the graphics that accompany are far from realistic), but a nice bassytune in the background to accompany your mission. Again, not the best, but it’llsuffice.

    It’s a pain in the backside to try and fire at the enemy. The game tries toauto-aim for you, but if several people are shooting at you at once thenwhen you try to swing round the aim to check out someone else, it swings backas if it has some kind of auto-centring feature. Not good.

    game Pic

    It’s also one of those games where explosive bins are placed near to whereenemy soldiers would normally stand, so a carefully placed bullet will blowthem into next week, but this wouldn’t normally happen unless said enemieshad a death wish(!)

    Overall, I’m going to say “try before you buy”. Rent it first and if you wantto go back for more after the night is up, then make a purchase.

    Finally, please tell me why, when you restart a level, does it need to reloadit back in when it should already be in the console’s memory?


    Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2002.

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