Dom Robinson reviews
Telstar Video Entertainment
- Cert:
- TDVD 9027
- Running time: 111 minutes
- Year: 1966
- Pressing: 2002
- Region(s): 0, PAL
- Chapters: 8
- Sound: Mono
- Languages: English
- Subtitles: None
- Fullscreen: 4:3
- 16:9-Enhanced: No
- Macrovision: Yes
- Disc Format: DVD 9
- Price: £9.99
- Extras: None

Series Creator and Producer:
- Gordon Murray
- Brian Cant
- Freddie Philips
Chigley, near Camberwick Green, Trumptonshire,is the only one of the three series which doesn’t have a famous opening linethat remains the same throughout each episode.
Again, like Trumpton, there’s just 8 episodes here and they all runbetween 12½ to 14 minutes.
Narrated by Playaway‘s Brian Cant, you might be forgiven fornot being as au fait with this one as compared to the others, but there area number of repeating characters including Dr Mopp, the Mayor andWindy Miller.
The eight episodes cover the stories are: Lord Belborough’s Secret, Bessieto the Rescue, The Balloon, The Fountain, Trouble with the crane, A Presentfor Lord Belborough, Apples Galore and The Broken Bridge.

the Mayor of Chigley decided something must be done.
The programme is presented in 4:3 fullscreen. Picture quality varies withscratches here and there, but thankfully none of the picture ‘buckling’ wesaw in Trumpton.
The sound is in mono which comes across clearly enough.
There are no extras, but the menu is animated and scored with the ‘busy’ musicfrom Trumpton, various characters walking about in the background and theepisode titles appearing as ice-cream cornets on Toni’s ice-cream stand.There is one chapter per episode, so 8 in all, but no subtitles.


Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.