Dom Robinson reviews
The Great Bone Idol
PT Video
- Cert:
- PTDVD 8114
- Running time: 109 minutes
- Year: 1983
- Pressing: 2001
- Region(s): 0, PAL
- Chapters: 6 plus extras
- Sound: Mono
- Languages: English
- Subtitles: None
- Fullscreen: 4:3
- 16:9-Enhanced: No
- Macrovision: Yes
- Disc Format: DVD 9
- Price: £9.99
- Extras: Cast Biographies, Animated Menus, First Ever Count Duckula Episode

- Brian Cosgrove
- Brian Cosgrove and Mark Hall
- Brian Trueman
- Mike Harding
- David Jason, Terry Scott, Edward Kelsey and Brian Trueman
He’s the greatest. He’s fantastic. He’s Dangermouse!
The cult of kids TV arriving on DVD continues with a series I regularly watchedand enjoyed before I hit double figures and which, on an episode of I Love the80s, was admitted it was easy on the animators because many of the scenesthat featured in every episode, such as DM driving from his secret hideout,were copied across each time.
As usual, for this third volume, six episodes are included here. Each episodelasts 15-20 minutes apiece and was originally aired in four parts (oh, how thecontinuing storyline would get me through yetanother unbelievably shitty week at school from Monday to Thursday; and whocared about Friday afternoons because the weekend was here!)
Back to the plot and the six episodes are: One Hundred and Fifty MillionYears Lost, The Planet of the Cats, Four Heads are Better Than Two, TheTower of Terror, The Great Bone Idol and Public Enemy Number One,the highlighted episode in the title also featuring Count Duckula who is onthe trail of the Great Bone Idol while DM and Penfold are holidaying in Brazil.
It’s worth mentioning that this DVD was originally due for release on September17th under the title of “The Tower of Terror”, showing a building shakingand our two heroes running away. However, the events that rocked New York onSeptember 11th put paid to this and the disc was recalled to have the coverchanged, although some copies still found their way into shops.
It’s in 4:3 fullscreen and the print has some scratches on it but nothing youdon’t expect and it certainly doesn’t put you off for those who were big fansand at least it makes a damn sight more bloody sense than Pokemon !
The sound is in mono which comes across clearly enough.

In the extras dept. there’s an eight-minute interview with Brian Cosgroveand the original never-before-seen Pilot Episode, which runs for theusual length.
The disc has no subtitles but a neat animated menu with the classic theme tune.If I had one complaint with the DVD it’s that there’s just onechapter per episode rather than breaking them down into individual partsas broadcast.
Don’t worry about the overall score. With a disc like this, the price andcontent score are all you should concern yourself with. As for how it looks,well you didn’t really expect Vittorio Storaro to be taking time outfromApocalypse Nowto lend a hand did you?

Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.