Bluepool Records
- BPCD 0101
- Released: Available now
- Running time: 64:01
- Track Listing :
- 1. waves (intro)
- 2. feel
- 3. lowness
- 4. tatra
- 5. 1:38…
- 6. …the dream
- 7. leaves
- 8. coastline
- 9. vanishing point
- 10. snowman
- 11. evening hill
- 12. never
- 13. blue follower
- 14. waves (outro)

Delph are an electronica duo originally fromDorset and now based in Manchester. The album has been recorded and producedduring 1998 and features 14 tracks encompassing a range of atmospheresfrom intelligent dance to melodic developments and instrumental soundscapes.
I’m a big fan of ambient music and began to get into it in the early1990’s after discovering The Orb, their first single, LittleFluffy Clouds, and the album it came from, Adventures Beyond TheUltraworld. Good music of this genre is anything that takes you outsideyourself, makes you forget everything else and is 100% captivating. Beforenow I also felt this listening to some tracks from Leftfield (eg.Original), Future Sound Of London (eg. We Have Explosive,Lifeforms and Papua New Guinea), The Grid (eg. all oftheir Electric Head) plus just about anything that featured on MTV’sChill Out Zone when I watched it on a regular basis in the mid-1990’s.
Why am I telling you all this? Because I’d put this, Delph’s debut album,in the same category and anyone who purchases a copy of this will not onlybe buying one of the best albums around at the moment, but will also bedoing themselves a big favour by helping Delph to produce further albumsof the same stature.
Although there are 14 tracks on this disc, it is effectively a few longtunes, each split up into individual sections. For me, stand-out tracksinclude: feel, lowness, tatra, never and both waves tracks.All of these tracks grab the heartstrings, twist them round all the adrenalinein your body and remind you of why you love music in the first place…andit won’t stop there either. If previous ambient bands are anything to goby, the more you listen to an album, the more the entire work becomes apiece of perfection.
Previous releases from Delph include :
Delph has performed at various venues around the country including aheadline gig at London’s Whirl-Y-Gig. The band also enjoys frequent airplayon radio stations and in clubs, such as Return To The Source, bothin this country and abroad.
A growing international fanbase has been established over the internetvia their Website at :
The site includes RealAudio excerpts from this album, video footagefrom recent gigs and links to record and gig reviews.
MUSIC CONTENT : *****SOUND QUALITY : *****PRESENTATION : ***——————————-OVERALL : ****½Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 1999.
Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.