Dom Robinson reviews
Pinnacle Records
- IX 0218 AWUKD
- Cert: E
- Running time: 105 minutes
- Year: 2000
- Pressing: 2001
- Region(s): 2, PAL
- Chapters: 18
- Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1, DTS 5.1
- Languages: English
- Subtitles: 10 languages available
- Fullscreen: 4:3
- 16:9-enhanced: No
- Macrovision: No
- Disc Format: DVD 9
- Price: £19.99
- Extras: None
Director :
- Lawrence Jordan
Producers :
- Mitch Maketansky and Allen Kelman
Main Band Members :
- Don Henley (Vocals/Guitar/most things)
Will Hollis (Music Director/Keyboards/Vocals)
Frank Simes (Band Leader/Guitar/Vocals)
Lance Morrison (Bass)
Rob Ladd (Drummers/Vocals)
Peter Stroud (Guitar/Vocals)
Danny Reyes (Percussion)
Michael Thompson (Piano/Vocals)
The Waters and Friends Chorus

Last year, Don Henley,co-founder of The Eagles, released his first album in eleven years,Inside Joband this is is a recording of the live concert performed on May 25th 2000at the Fair Park Music Hall in Dallas.
Don Henley‘s starting to look very old indeed now but his voice canstill deliver and there are scores of classic tunes, some solo and some fromhis band days, including: Dirty Laundry, Sunset Grill, The Boys of Summer,Hotel California and New York Minute.
The full list of tracks included are :
1. Introduction
2. Dirty Laundry
3. Sunset Grill
4. Workin’ It
5. Taking You Home
6. The Boys of Summer
7. Lilah
8. Everything Is Different Now
9. The End of the Innocence10. All She Wants To Do Is Dance
11. New York Minute
12. Talking To The Moon
13. They’re Not Here, They’re Not Coming
14. The Heart Of The Matter
15. Desperado
16. The Long Run
17. My Thanksgiving
18. Hotel California / End Credits
There’s no artifacts on show, but sharpness is lost and there’s some blurrymotion with what isn’t the best NTSC-to-PAL conversion I’ve ever seen.Perhaps they should’ve left it the way it was. Presented in fullscreen, theaverage bitrate is a high and fairly steady 7.66Mb/s.
The sound can’t be faulted however with a dual Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS 5.1soundtrack, the latter sounding that bit more effervescent. There’s nothingin the way of multi-directional sound, but the extra effort brings across themusic so much better.
Sadly there are no extras to the disc whatsoever. Any dialogue between songs- and in a few brief words from the man as an opener – comes in 10 subtitledlanguages, but none of them are English, just: French, German, Italian,Swedish, Norwegian, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Dutch and Finnish.What’s wrong with providing lyrics in any language as well as English??
The menus have some subtle animation and music from Sunset Grill butaren’t particularly impressive and are on a very short loop.


Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.