Dan Owen reviews

I s s u e # 3 41 4 M a r c h 2 0 0 3



TERMINATOR 3Despite rumours that Danny Elfman (Batman) has taken over as composer,original choice Marco Beltrami is going ahead. His 80+ minute score willbe done next week using an orchestra of 96 players and a choir.Reportedly, director Jonathan Mostow and the producers are very excitedabout elements of the score they have heard so far. AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS’Screen Daily’ reports that Johnny Knoxville (Jackass) has joined thecast of Around The World In 80 Days alongside Steve Coogan, Jackie Chanand Jim Broadbent. The $100 million film starts shooting in a few weekstime in Thailand and Berlin. CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOONScreenwriter Tedi Sarafian is to pen the remake of The Creature From theBlack Lagoon, reports ‘Variety’. Ross’ father, Arthur Ross, wrote thescript to the original 1954 creature feature, which looks likely to beremake by Guillermo Del Toro after he finished filming Hellboy.

Sarafian previously rewrote Terminator 3, and his draft was considered amajor factor in getting Arnold Schwarzenneger to return to the franchisesans James Cameron.


CHRONICLES OF RIDDICKVin Diesel spoke with ‘Sci-Fi Wire’ about The Chronicles Of Riddick,saying: “[I’ve been] creating creature characteristics and attributesyou won’t see until scene two or scene three and researching on theInternet to explain negative matter: where these villains come from,these Necromongers. [We have to explain] their scientific existence.We’re going to create this huge universe. And I’m excited aboutexploring this character’s purpose in this universe and what his wholedeal is.” JOHN LENNONEric Bana (Chopper) talked with ‘The Melbourne Star’ recently about hisupcoming work in Hulk and Troy, then about future work, saying: “I havespoken to a few directors in America about doing a John Lennon biopic.”

“I have spoken to Oliver Stone and Ang Lee about it, and I am working ona script with a British writer. Really, it’s up to the estate of JohnLennon to decide whether it will get made or not, and then one of theHollywood studios to fund it, so I will have to brush up on a convincingLiverpool accent.”

“The movie will centre on the last 10 years of Lennon’s life, partlybecause I think it would be unwise for me to grow a mop top at my age,and because those years are generally unknown to the masses and veryinteresting. I hope it goes ahead because this is a dream project. Thiswill be my Raging Bull.”


KING ARTHUR’Disney’ has cast Clive Owen (Croupier) as King Arthur and is in talkswith British actor Stephen Dillane to co-star as Merlin in the new JerryBruckheimer-produced version of the Dark Ages legend.

The project will be directed by Training Day helmer Antoine Fuqua and isa demystified take on the tale of King Arthur and his Knights of theRound Table and promises a more realistic portrayal of Arthur than hasever been presented onscreen.

MIGHTY MOUSE’Paramount Pictures’ has tapped Maurice Chauvet and Christopher Vail towrite a script for a CGI version of Mighty Mouse for ‘NickelodeonFilms’, says ‘Variety’. The film is described as anaction-comedy-adventure.

Mighty Mouse’s producers will be John Woo and producing partner TerenceChang, along with ‘Nick Film’ executives Albie Hecht and Julia Pistor.Barry Jackson will provide concept design work with Nick performing theanimation work in-house.


THE MUMMY III’PageSix’ reports that Universal is interested in developing a third TheMummy movie – but without Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz.

The latest concept seems to involve Imhotep being reawoken “incontemporary times, with new stars” according to star Arnold Vosloo, whoadded “taking the story to a different time would open up all newpossibilities. It could even be set in the 1950’s or 60’s – whenever theMummy wakes up.”

PHANTOM OF THE OPERAThe ‘Chicago Sun-Times’ talked with director Joel Schumacher about hisinvolvement with the Phantom Of The Opera movie. He stated that “Antonio[Banderas] is not doing this version. I haven’t cast yet, but I want togo younger. Maybe Antonio was part of a past project. He was in Evitaand Andrew loves him, but he’s not my Phantom.”

“[And] not Leo [DiCaprio]. He’s a little young for Phantom, but someoneyoung. The hard thing is that the leads have to sing and act. The otherinteresting element is you don’t see the face under the Phantom mask.He’s always in makeup. So, I could cast anyone.”

Schumacher though is treating the movie with a dose of caution: “Chicagois popular, not movie musicals. I don’t think it will last as a filmtrend. The good thing for me is that Phantom is its own house brand…I’m a little scared to do this project, but if you’re not a littlescared, then you’re doing the wrong movie. If you think you can phone itin, then God has a very wicked surprise for you. It’s good to be scaredand not cocky.”


SUPERMAN’Entertainment Weekly’ spoke to actor Matthew Bomer‘s managerabout his chances for the role of Superman. Bomer said: “[Director]Brett Ratner liked him, plain and simple. He thought he was a terrificactor and told him if Warner started testing unknowns, he’d beconsidered.”

Also, Jerry O’Connell (Sliders) has spoken out to ‘E! Online’ about hisrumoured casting as the Superman, saying: “Yeah, I’m definitely right inthere. There is some stiff competition, but I guarantee you I can domore push-ups than all those other guys. There are guys in front of methat have nominations. The only thing I’ve been nominated for is bestattendance for physical education in junior high. Whether it happens ornot, I’m in this business for the long haul. I know for a fact that Ilook good in blue Spandex. If it doesn’t happen, Space Ghost is alwaysan option”.

O’Connell may have one advantage – director Brett Ratner was O’Connell’ssenior advisor when he was a freshman at New York University!

In related news, Selma Blair has indicated she wants to screen-test forthe role of Lois Lane. Talking to ‘MTV’ she said “I would die to be LoisLane! And that’s something I’m fighting tooth and nail for. But theywill be shooting it at the same time as Hellboy, so it’s going to be astruggle.”

Finally, some insider gossip on the current state of the costume forSupes. It has no cape (yet!), is primarily blue, and the “S” symbol hasa black background (not yellow).

Selma Blair snogs Sarah Michelle Gellar in
Cruel Intentions.

WALTER MITTY’Variety’ reports that Jim Carrey will play the Danny Kaye in The SecretLife of Walter Mitty, to be directed by Steven Spielberg.

Samuel Goldwyn Jr. has been trying for nearly a decade remake the 1947comedy, in which Kaye played a timid man whose daydreams of being aswashbuckling hero were played out in fantasy sequences. The originalfilm was based on a short story by humorist James Thurber.


  • 1. Bringing Down the House ($31.1m)
  • 2. Tears of the Sun ($17.0m)
  • 3. Old School ($9.1m)
  • 4. Chicago ($6.8m)
  • 5. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days ($6.6m)
  • 6. Cradle 2 The Grave ($6.5m)
  • 7. Daredevil ($5.2m)
  • 8. The Jungle Book 2 ($4.2m)
  • 9. Shanghai Knights ($2.6m)
  • 10. The Life of David Gale ($2.1m) UK TOP 10 (CINEMA)
  • 1. Maid in Manhattan (£2.42m)
  • 2. The Ring (2002) (£1.27m)
  • 3. Jackass: The Movie (£0.79m)
  • 4. Two Weeks Notice (£0.69m)
  • 5. Treasure Planet (£0.55m)
  • 6. Catch Me If You Can (£0.50m)
  • 7. Far From Heaven (£0.45m)
  • 8. Chicago (£0.39m)
  • 9. The Wild Thornberrys Movie (£0.34m)
  • 10. The Hours (£0.28m)

    Cover** WEBSITES **

    Kill Bill

    The official Japanese website for Kill Bill has launched. It includes afunky Flash interface and TV Spot-style trailer clips. More interestingis the hidden goodies: type the words ‘KILLBILL’ and ‘STORY’ at theopening Flash screen for some fun!
    Click HERE for website

    The Hulk

    The official Hulk website has relaunched with a snazzy new Flash-style.
    Click HERE for website


    Note that these are US release dates.

  • March 2003: “Johnny English” (14), “Phone Booth” (14), “The Core” (28), “House Of 1000 Corpses” (TBC)
  • April 2003: “Ripley’s Game” (4), “Timeline” (11), “Bulletproof Monk” (16), Basic” (18)
  • May 2003: “Matrix Reloaded” (16), “Bruce Almighty” (23), “Finding Nemo” (30), “The Italian Job” (30)
  • June 2003: “Fast & The Furious 2” (6), “Freddy Vs Jason” (13), “Hulk” (20), Charlie’s Angels 2″ (TBC), “Tomb Raider II” (TBC)
  • July 2003: “Legally Blonde 2” (2), “Terminator 3” (2), “Pirates Of TheCarribean” (9), “League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen” (11), “Bad Boys II(18), “Exorcist – The Beginning” (18), “Dumb & Dumberer” (18), “Spy Kids 3” (25)
  • August 2003: “American Wedding” (1), “Cursed” (8), “Jeepers Creepers 2” (29)October: “Kill Bill” (10), “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” (17), “Underworld” (TBC)
  • September 2003: TBA
  • October 2003: TBA
  • November 2003: “Matrix Revolutions” (7), “Looney Tunes – Back In Action” (14),Around The World In 80 Days” (21), “The Cat In The Hat” (21), “DirtyDancing 2” (21)
  • December 2003: “The Last Samurai” (5), “The Alamo” (12), “Lord Of The Rings -Return Of The King” (17), “Garfield” (19), “Lemony Snicket” (19), “PeterPan” (25) Page Content copyright © Dan Owen, 2003.

    Email Dan Owen

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