Dom Robinson reviewsDroopy’s Tennis Open For
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- Price: £34.99
- Players: 1-2
Droopy’s Tennis Openisn’t a game that needs much introduction, nor explanation. It’s a standardtennis game for either a single player or two, with a link-up cable. Thedifference here is that you get to play as a number of Warner Bros cartoon charactersstarting with Droopy and McWolf at first, with later ones to be revealed:Dripple, Bubbles Vavoom, Butch and Screwy Squirrel.
However many games or sets you play, there’s the option to play in cartoonmode which deviates slightly from the norm by placing random items on courtsuch as a pair of sneakers to help you run faster, an exploding clock whichisn’t something you want to go near, a spring to make the ball change directionin an unexpected way on the rebound and a racket to make your opponent hitonly lobs for a short time.
The graphics and sound are nothing to get too excited about, although theplayers are nicely detailed and although the whole court doesn’t fit onto thescreen at once, as it scrolls up and down you can still see where the playeron the far side at the top is and for the one nearest to you, a marker indicatesthe position so if that’s you you can get into position to return the ball.
It’s a very easy game to pick up and play and is one best experienced on thoselong car journeys or any situation where you need a burst of entertainment.

Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.