The Dominator reviews
Warner Home Video
- Cert: 15
- Running time: 88 minutes
- Year: 1995
- SO14072
- Released: 17th March 1997
- Sound: Dolby Surround
- Presented in fullscreen
- Price: £10.99
- Extras : None
- Andrew Sipes
- Joel Silver (Lethal Weapon trilogy, Die Hard trilogy)
- Charlie Fletcher (based on the novel by Paula Gosling)
- Mark Mancina
- Max : William Baldwin (Backdraft, Flatliners)
Kate : Cindy Crawford
Kazak : Steven Berkoff (Beverly Hills Cop, The Krays)
Meyerson : Christopher McDonald (Thelma and Louise, Terminal Velocity)
Hollenbeck : Dan Hedaya (The Usual Suspects)
Rita : Salma Heyek (Desperado, From Dusk Till Dawn)
Fair Gamesees the pairing of well-known actor William Baldwin andwell-known supermodel Cindy Crawford in her first film.
Baldwin plays a cop who’s just been dumped by his girlfriend, played by thegorgeous Salma Heyek, and Cindy plays a highly successful lawyer. Yes,you will need a degree of suspension of disbelief to watch this film, but actionfans won’t be disappointed.
Let’s get the plot out of the way first. While out jogging one day, Kate McQueanbecomes the victim of a drive-by shooting, but only to the point that she getsa graze on her arm. It’s in the police station that she meets Baldwin, who’sassigned to file the paperwork on her case.
One case that she’s involved with concerns a ship, The Tortuga, whose rightsneed to be signed over to a client of hers. However, with the registry documentsgone AWOL, and the fact that it’s manned by a crew led by the evil StevenBerkoff, always a joy to watch in bad-guy mode, you can bet she won’t get itback right away, especially as she has become a target for assassination.
With Baldwin and Cindy together, I was pleasantly surprised to find that thiswas an action film with the action handled well. Usually, in films like thesea number of the action scenes tend to be very half-hearted, but each of thesepack their own punch, thanks to them being in the hands of SFX-supremo JoelSilver who has worked on the Lethal Weapon trilogy and the DieHard trilogy, the stunts are superb, beginning with Cindy’s attempt tochange her TV channel…
Picture quality is good, and the sound is a knockout. Cindy Crawford isn’t goingto win any Oscars for her acting ability, but with good performances from therest, including Christopher McDonald and Dan Hedaya (the latter inan uncredited cameo, a few bullets through the head, plus the obligatory nudescene, for only £10.99, it’s only fair to add this one to yourcollection.
Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 1997.
Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.