I Hate You – The DVDfever Review – Channel 4 – Tanya Reynolds, Melissa Saint

I Hate You I Hate You centres around two best mates who love to hate each other – Charlie (Tanya Reynolds) and Becca (Melissa Saint) – and comes from Robert Popper, creator of Friday Night Dinner, which I loved from start to finish, even if the last episode went a bit syrupt, and was clearly designed to finish the series completely, even prior to Paul Ritter’s tragic diagnosis of a brain tumour, from which he passed away in April 2021.

In this series, and no sooner has Charlie decided she’s going to split up with her boyfriend, after just one week, that Melissa is on a date with a man called Leonard… who’s 72, the age difference seeming like a good idea to her at first.

Meanwhile, Charlie’s offered a date with Bradley (James Bradwell), a young man who doesn’t wash his hands when she goes to the toilet.

I Hate You is a world away from Friday Night Dinner, and like a series of bad sketches. After Robert Popper made both Friday Night Dinner and Look Around You, I expected something fantastic. This is leaden and dull, and I’m just left wondering if the two leads were chosen because they both have bug-eyes sticking out of their heads?

That said, there was a slight giggle during Charlie’s dating scene in episode 1, but overall, in the middle of episode 1 on All4 was an ad break for “Be clear on cancer”. That was more funny than anything else in this so-called comedy, and beyond that, I’m still waiting to laugh.

I did try watchuing episode 2, but my opinion didn’t change. It’s like Robert Popper wrote this with a random word generator, so absolutely nothing makes sense, nor does any one aspect correlate to another.

How on Earth do you go from superb shows like those listed above to utter crap like this?

I Hate You begins on Channel 4 on Thursday at 10.00pm, but the entire series is already on All 4.

The series is not yet available to pre-order on Blu-ray or DVD. The trailer is not available online.

Producer: Robert Popper
Creator/Writer: Robert Popper

Charlie: Tanya Reynolds
Becca: Melissa Saint
Liam: Jaz Hutchins
Leonard: Michael Cochrane
Bradley: James Bradwell
Ralph: Joseph Marcell
Ryan: Joe Tracini
Mrs Plant: Chetna Pandya
Bob Oxygen: Jonny Sweet
Waiter: Enyi Okoronkwo
Mel: EM Williams
