2002: The Best and Worst in Cinema

Paul Greenwood reviews

2002: The Best and Worst in Cinema


2002 – Top Ten

1. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

    Astonishing second part of what may well prove to be the greatesttrilogy in cinema history.

2. Bowling For Columbine

    Michael Moore’s hilarious and terrifying documentary on the cultureof fear and mistrust in the United States is the best reason I’ve seen fornever going there.

3. Sweet Sixteen

4. Mulholland Drive

5. Minority Report

    Close to perfect sci-fi that just didn’t know when to stop and had togive us one ending too many.

    Dom’s R2 DVD review

6. Spiderman

7. Donnie Darko

8. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

9. Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

10. Monsters Inc.

    Pixar can simply do no wrong.

    Travis’ R1 DVD review


2002 – Bottom Ten

1. Rollerball

    Jaw-droppingly awful remake that brings new meaning to the term’mindless action’. Not only the worst film of 2002, but one of the worst Ihave ever seen.

    Travis’ R1 DVD review

2. Halloween: Resurrection

    Abysmal sequel too many.

    Paul’s Cinema review

3. Killing Me Softly

    I actually feel quite bad about including this, because it wasfunnier than MIB2 and Goldmember combined. If only it were a comedy…….

4. The Sweetest Thing


5. Black Knight

    Did I laugh once? Did I fuck.

    Paul’s Cinema review

6. Resident Evil

    The worst thing about this travesty of a film is the potential thatwas wasted by its hack director. Infuriatingly bad.

    Paul’s Cinema review
    Travis’ R1 DVD review

7. The Musketeer

    Hopeless attempt to combine the classic swashbuckling tale withwire-fu action. Buy Once Upon a Time in China on DVD instead.

8. Men In Black 2

9. The Time Machine

10. All or Nothing

    Mike Leigh’s pretentious wank-fest was so dull that I can’t even bebothered coming up with a decent metaphor.

    Paul’s Cinema review

Review copyright © Paul Greenwood, 2002.E-mail Paul Greenwood

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