New DVD and Blu-Ray release dates from Tartan Video

New DVD and Blu-Ray release dates from Tartan Video
Distributed by
Tartan Video
The Seventh Seal – 50th anniversary remastered edition

Posted: November 16th, 2007.

One the most influential movies of all time by one of the greatest directors of world cinema, Ingmar Bergman’sThe Seventh Seal is a timeless classic and this newly remastered version is an ideal way of celebrating thefilm’s 50th anniversary. A battle-weary knight (played by Max Von Sydow) returns from the Crusades to find aland ravaged by plague. When Death appears and challenges him to a game of chess, it becomes a fight for survivaland a search for the meaning of life.

In an exciting move, Tartan Video’s Blu-ray releases will be uniquely packaged with the DVD edition of each filmto allow consumers who have yet to invest in Blu-ray technology the opportunity to enjoy the films on existingplayers at no additional cost as they invest for the future.

Note that a standard DVD of the same title will also be released (left-hand packshot).

The Phantom Carriage: KTL Edition

Legend says that whoever is the last person to die on New Year’s Eve will be destined to drive the PhantomCarriage, collecting dead souls for a year. When a drunkard is found at the stroke of midnight, the victim of avicious fight, he is forced to relive his past to see how he and those around him have been destroyed by hisselfish and destructive ways.

The Phantom Carriage is a classic supernatural tale by master film-maker Victor Sjöström, and wasthe Ingmar Bergman’s career as a director (Bergman actually later cast Sjöström in Wild Strawberries) and inparticular, the inspiration for The Seventh Seal. Made in 1920, it remains as a mesmerising and extraordinaryfilm with still-outstanding special photo-effects and dramatic camerawork.

In addition, an atmospheric and evocative new score has been written and recorded by KTL, the unique soniccollaboration between Stephen O’Malley [SunnO)))] and Peter Rehberg [aka Pita], who have previously workedtogether soundtracking the bizarre theatrical production of Dennis Cooper’s ‘Kindertotenlieder’. For thisLimited Edition release, the packaging has specially created artwork by Stephen O’Malley and film notes bythe Brothers Quay.

Clips of the film can also be seen online: here.

Technical features: Original 1.33: Presentation; tinted black and white, Uncompressed CD quality PCM StereoAudio Mastering.

The Seventh Seal: 50th Anniversary Edition (BD/DVD) is released on December 3rd for £29.99 – with thestandard DVD version retailing for £19.99, while The Phantom Carriage: KTL Edition (DVD) is out on February11th 2008 for £15.99.

Click on the packshots above to purchase the titles.

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2007.

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