The Black Cat on DVD

The Black Cat on DVD
Distributed by
Second Sight

Posted: September 21st, 2007.

The first and possibly the greatest pairing of Lugosi and Karloff is one of the darkest, most macabre horrorsever made. Dr Werdegast (Lugosi), a POW for fifteen years has been freed and now seeks news of his wife anddaughter and vengeance on Hjalmar Poelzig, the man whose betrayal lead to his imprisonment and the deaths ofthousands of his countrymen during the war.

He tracks him down to the castle he has built on the site of their old fortress and soon discovers the diabolicalsecrets held within its walls. Poelzig is now the leader of a satanic cult, engaging in macabre practises andrituals. One man’s pure evil against the other’s tormented need for revenge leads to an absorbing battle and ashocking climax.

The Black Cat is released on October 29th and retails for £15.99 on DVD.Click on the Amazon link above for more information.

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2007.

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