Basket Case on DVD

Basket Case on DVD
Distributed by
Tartan Video

Posted: September 28th, 2007.

Duane Bradley’s brother is very small, very twisted, very mad and he lives in a basket… until night comes!After a difficult birth, which their mother didn’t survive, Duane was born with a monstrously deformed conjoinedtwin, Belial, attached to his side. Embittered by the death of his wife and unable to accept his hideous son,the boys’ father orders the twins to be separated surgically. Surviving the operation, but deeply resentfulof his enforced removal from his brother’s side, Belial plans to get even with his father and the doctorsresponsible. Duane, normal-looking but sympathetic to his brother’s plight, moves to New York carrying withhim a large basket in which his grotesque twin hides.

Together they seek the surgeons responsible for their violent separation and Belial wreaks his gruesomelybloody revenge…

Extras inclde star and director filmographies, original theatrical trailer, Alan Jones film notes, TartanTerror trailer reel.

Basket Case is out on October 22nd on DVD and retails for £7.99.

Click on the Amazon link above for more information.

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2007.

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