World War I In Colour on DVD

World War I In Colour on DVD
Distributed by
Fremantle Home Entertainment

Posted: September 21st, 2003.

Actual footage of the tragedy and triumph of the First World War is transformedinto vivid colour for the first time in a remarkable new documentary series.

World War 1 in Colour features original footage of events as well as emotionalinterviews with some of the few British survivors of the conflict.

Nugus Martin Productions provide original black and white footage from theseries “The Century of Warfare” and Sony Pictures Entertainment projectmanaged West Wing Inc. to carry out the colourisation process. Using the verylatest computer-aided technology colour was introduced to the entire actionto show World War 1 as it was seen by those who fought it.

Production company 3BM added interviews from veterans and narration by KennethBranagh, to tell the story of the was as it has never been seen beforebringing a unique perspective to the events of 1914- to 1918 which saw 65million men take arms against one another.

Managing director of Nugus Martin, Philip Nugus, who made the original seriessaid “‘The Century of Warfare’ contains approximately 75% of material whichwe selected and transferred from original nitrate film which had never previouslybeen seen on television. We have been waiting ten years for colourisationtechnologies to reach the required standard to match our programmes.”

3BM’s Executive Producer, Simon Berthon said: “Hearing theseextraordinary men tell their enormously moving stories and seeing film whichactually shows what they went through as they saw it themselves is a uniquecombination.”

The complete series of World War 1 in Colour is being released on DVD andvideo and will be available to buy from 1st September 2003.

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2003.

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