Book Of Shadows: Blair Witch 2

Book Of Shadows: Blair Witch 2Posted: March 26th, 2001.

Momentum Pictures Introduce the first ever video and DVDreverse-playback facility with the release of Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2and the Secret of Esrever

The ultimate combination of terror and techonology

Momentum Pictures is proud to announce an exclusive and unmissable rental videoand rental DVD first with the 14 May 2001 release of Book of Shadows: BlairWitch 2 and The Secret of Esrever. Featuring the unique reverse playbackspecial feature, viewers now have an opportunity to unlock the The Secret ofEsrever and search for mysterious and haunting images that are hidden withinthe film.

Not readily apparent to the unsuspecting viewer and therefore beyond the reachof the cinema going public, only those who view this truly terrifying yetmesmerising film on video and DVD can take full advantage of a shockinglyeffective initiative that is located at the end of the film.

The deeply disturbing big budget sequel to the worldwide cultural phenomenonThe Blair Witch Project, Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 was directed byaward-winning documentary filmmaker Joe Berlinger (Brother’s Keeper, ParadiseLost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills). Going against audience andmedia expectations, Berlinger created a truly extraordinary exploration of thevery topical theme of human evil and whether or not it is inspired by mediaimagery. Gone is the shaky camera and blurred cinematography of the originalto be replaced by a lushly cinematic experience filled with ritualistic stabbings,orgies, mental asylums, murder and witchcraft

For the uninitiated, Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 opens with a sharplycrafted documentary montage that recaps the history of The Blair Witch Projectand outlines the first film’s progress from buzzed-about low-budget movie topop culture phenomenon.

Combining actual programme footage with interviews with real Burkittsvillelocals, the sequence places the audience on a roughly equal footing with thesequel’s characters who share our knowledge that The Blair Witch Project was”only a movie”.

Over the course of Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2, the five Blair Witchafficionados discover that knowledge isn’t much protection at all as theyremain vulnerable to the unknown, one another and, most scary of all,themselves.

The Secret of Esrever

To unlock The Secret of Esrever, fast-forward to the end of the special segmentat the end of the film. Press the play button and the rewind button and watchthis unique content disclose itself in reverse playback mode. Sit back and enjoythe new footage and try to crack the special message that will shed light onsome of the mystery of the Blair Witch.

For further help in unravelling the truth,

Catalogue Number:
Widescreen Ratio:
Release Date:
Running Time:
See below
May 14th, 2001
90 Minutes

DVD Extras:Secret of Esrever; interactive menus; exclusive castinterviews; trailer; subtitles

This film is also available to rent on video from the same date.

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2001.

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