Channel 5 launches Sky+ Series Links

Channel 5 launches Sky+ Series Links

Posted: August 3rd, 2003.


Sky digital has announced that Five has now joined the raft ofdigital satellite channels that have enabled Sky Series Links.

The Series Link feature allows Sky digital viewers to set reminders fortheir favourite shows on over 60 digital satellite channels up to sevendays in advance. When tuned into any another channel, a pop-up reminderalerts viewers when a selected programme is about to begin and appearson-screen moments before the selected programme is about to start. Inaddition, if a reminder is set to ‘auto-view’ the channel willautomatically switch to the selected channel without having to touch abutton.

What’s more, viewers who subscribe to Sky+, Sky’s digital video recorderand satellite receiver, can automatically record every episode of aselected TV programme at the touch of a button without videotape.

Series linked Channel 5 programmes include Home and Away, CSI: Crime SceneInvestigates, Family Affairs and the Terry and Gabby Show.

Sky Series Links are now available on nearly 3,000 programmes on over 60digital satellite channels each week. Sky continue to work closely withother broadcasters to enhance the service which is upgraded via periodicsoftware downloads via the digital satellite.

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2003.

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