Dino Dini’s Soccer Game Petition

Dino Dini’s Soccer Game PetitionPosted: March 8th, 2003.

Hello from the Dino Dini New Soccer Game Petition.

Lots of news.

As you may have noticed, much of the web site was down for about 6months. Why? Well because I relocated myself to Italy to work withTrecision, and transferring the petition and forum was something that Inever got around to.

If you have not recently visited the site, you should know that thepetition is back, and so are theforums.

Those of you who have taken part in the petition should know that ithelped secure the deal with Trecision. What this has meant is that Ihave been working with a fantastic team of people to create a new nextgeneration soccer game. Although I can not give you the details yet,most the team were all fans of Winning 11/PES, but they don’t play itany more. You can guess what that means.

But if you are impatient, those of you asking for an update to GOAL!on the Amiga or wanting GOAL! on PC, you should try the Gens emulatorwith “Dino Dini’s Soccer” for Megadrive. What is Dino Dini’s Soccer?

Dino Dini’s Soccer is GOAL! on the Megadrive. It was released inNovember of 1994. Graphically it is better than the Amiga version andhas some new features. It plays very well indeed on the GensEmulator.. just like the original game. Even better, you can playagainst each other online, as the emulator uses Kaillera.

I have also specially patched the game to get round a problem it hadwith emulators. If you tried this game out before and did not likeit, it was probably because it was pretty much broken on all theemulators. The new ROM image, available on the site, fixes theproblem and the game now runs right.

We are going to set up a league, because the great thing is, the gameis playable with pings as high as 200 ms! There are over 100 Kailleraservers, so you can usually find one that both players will have goodpings to.

So, OK, not a new soccer game yet, but a new lease of life for an oldone.

With all good wishes, and thanks for your continued support.

Also read the Dino Dini interviewhereNews page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2003.

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