Angel Season 2 DVD

Angel Season 2 DVDDistributed by
Twentieth Century Fox Home EntertainmentCoverPosted: April 8th, 2002. YOURS TO OWN ON APRIL 15TH 2002

Unleash your wallet on the 15th April and take a bite into the mouthwateringAngel Season 2 on DVD. Following the monstrous success of Angel Season 1 DVD,20th Century Fox Home Entertainment have responded to the overwhelming demandfor this amazing 6 disc set to be in widescreen. The UK will be the onlycountry offering this release in the widescreen format and with a mouthwateringarray of special features this is a boxset you can really delve into.

Amongst this nail-biting DVD boxset are featurettes, stills galleries,commentaries, scripts and cast biographies. Amongst all these is a ‘Making upthe monsters’ feature showing an amazing look into the makeup on the show frombeauty to demon and see a step by step look at the making up The Host. Anotheraction packed part of this boxset is dedicated to ‘The stunts of Angel, a lookbehind-the-scenes at creating the stunts on Angel with an interview with stuntdouble for David Boreanaz, Mike Massa.

In what many see as the strongest season so far, this classic mix of comedy,drama and horror promises to be as successful as its Buffy and Angel predecessors. The devilish Angel (David Boreanaz) is back in full force with his ravishingAngel Investigations colleagues, Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter) and Wesley(Alexis Denisof) and are joined by a new street-wise vampire hunter,Charles Gunn (J August Richards).

Angel is increasingly haunted by his dark past and traumatised by prospects ofthe future. In a series of terrifying flashbacks he questions his identitybecomes completely consumed with fighting his inner demons. All the time he isunaware that this restless sleep is a result of nocturnal visits from Darla.Meanwhile, Angel Investigations become ever more concerned that the tormentedAngel may revert to his sinister and evil ways.

The distraught Angel battles with his past life as Angelus and what he hasbecome as Angel. After an empty night of passion with Darla, Angel surprisinglywakes up with his soul still intact and has an epiphany. Following this flashof clarity he tries to reunite with his team, Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn.

Angel goes back to work with Angel Investigations, as the fearless foursometake to the streets Cordelia gets a surprise visit from her old high-schoolfriend Harmony. Unaware her flaky friend is a bloodsucker, Cordelia mistakesher strange behaviour for lesbianism. Once her neck biting tendencies are outthe ever loyal Cordelia resolves to give her undead friend a chance at fightingfor the good guys.

After being inadvertently sucked into a dimensional portal, Cordelia findsherself stuck in the Host’s home world, Pylea, a place where human’s are treatedlike slaves. Angel, Wesley, the Host and Gunn work on how to get her back. Theydecide that the only acceptable, but nonetheless risky, plan is to go to Pyleathemselves and eventually succeed.

The monumental season climaxes with another monster slaying session and Angelbeing visited by Willow, with some deathly news…

Angel Season 2 is released to buy on April 15th to buy from 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.

The 6-disc boxset.

Episode Guide

Disc 1
Are You Now or Have You Ever Been
First Impressions
Commentary: “Are You Now or Have You Ever Been” – by Tim Minear
Disc 2
Dear Boy
Guise Will Be Guise
The Shroud of Rahmon
Script: “Darla”
Disc 3
The Trial
Featurette; Making up the Monsters
Featurette; Inside the Agency
Stills Gallery
Blue Prints
Disc 4
Blood Money
Happy Anniversary
The Thin Dead Line
Disc 5
Dead End
Script: “Disharmony”
Disc 6
Over the Rainbow
Through the Looking Glass
There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb
Commentary: “Over the Rainbow” by Fred Kellar
Featurette: Season 2 Overview
Featurette: Stunts
Season 1 DVD trailer
Cast bios pages

Release info:

Release Date:
Price (RRP):
Running Time:
Aspect Ratio:
15th April 2002
Boxset £79.99
22 * 45 mins
English Hard of Hearing
16:9 widescreen
Dolby Surround

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2002.

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