Angel Season 3

Angel Season 3Distributed by
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

Posted: March 8th, 2003.


Angel: “Hey, he’s not even a day old and he’s got an enemies list. How would you feel? Wouldn’t you be a little edgy?”

Fatherhood, demons and love… Angel and the rest of the crew face difficultchoices in Angel Season 3 DVD boxset released to buy on 3rd March 2003 fromTwentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. This is a must-buy DVD boxset forall fans with value-added material of never-before-seen extras. There areseries outtakes, screen tests, series overview and commentaries from theproduction team including Joss Whedon.

Following Buffy’s death Angel realises that he can continue without her, asdoes the series. Now on a different network to Buffy in the US, Angel reallycomes into his own in this gripping third season, giving us the chance todelve deeper into the mind of our favourite troubled vampire and thecharacters around him. Haunted with questions of loyalty, love and destiny,Angel struggles between his role as father to his newly born son Connor, andthe fear that the child may have it’s own demonic connections…

In this 6-disc boxset, the season gets straight down to business for Angelwhen ex-lover Darla arrives and announces that she is pregnant with his child.Whilst Angel is excited with the prospect of being a father, he is forced tofear baby Conner as his colleagues uncover a prophecy that the new arrivalwill bring a force of evil that will be the ruination of mankind. When acult entice Angel with his own son’s blood, can he stop himself from harmingConnor?

Holtz (guest star Keith Szarabajka) seeks justice in this series from Angel,who in his evil past once killed his family. Holtz sees the perfect way toget revenge on Angel by taking Connor away to a fast time Hell Dimension.There, Holtz brings up Connor as his own son, willing him to hate and killAngel when he grows up. Connor returns as a teenager (Vincent Kartheiser)and is forced to decide between his love for a natural father and that of anadopted father…

Meanwhile, Cordelia is plagued with painful visions as she gets in touch withher demonic side. This leaves her questioning her place in life and theconsequences of her past actions. What if she had taken a different path andhad become an actress? Are our paths really pre-determined? Her troublesbring her to question her love for Angel – does she love him or can she findlove with The Groosalugg?

Fred is also faced with family problems as her family come to visit Los Angeles,leading her to worry about her worthiness to Angel’s good cause. Gunn andWesley try to help her but are troubled by their own dilemma… to choosebetween their own dark side and their moral place in this world.

In this remarkable DVD boxset the writers re-introduce all the elements byadding in flashbacks to Angel and Darla’s evil past, taking us right back tothe 1700’s. With further understanding in to where Angel comes from the actorspull out all the stops in this season as well as fantastic fight scenes thatleave you kicking for more!

Episode Guide

Disc 1
That Vision Thing
That Old Gang Of Mine
Carpe Noctum
Disc 2
Commentary for Billy by Tim Minear and Jeffrey Bell
Disc 3
Buffy Season 2 DVD Trailer
Buffy Season 3 DVD Trailer
Buffy Season 4 DVD Trailer
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Feature Trailer
Angel Season 1 DVD Trailer
Angel Season 2 DVD Trailer
Disc 4
Waiting in the Wings
Deleted Scene from Waiting in the Wings
Commentary for Waiting in the Wings by Joss Whedon
Disc 5
Sleep Tight
Double or Nothing
The Price
Disc 6
A New World
Featurette: Season 3 Overview
Feataurette: Page to Screen
Amy Acker Screen Test
Vincent Kartheiser Screen Test
Still Gallery – 50 images approx.

Release date:
Running Time:
Price DVD
DVD ratio
DVD sound
DVD subtitles
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.
3rd March 2003
45 mins * 22 episodes
16:9 anamorphic widescreen
Dolby Surround
English for the Hearing Impaired
News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2003.

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