Metroid Prime press release

Metroid Prime


Distributed by
NintendoPosted: February 10th, 2003.


Samus is BACK!

21st March 2003, Exclusively on Nintendo GameCube, A True Gaming Legend Returns!

Nintendo and Retro Studios have combined their creative genius to bring thevideo game event of the year, the long awaited release of Metroid Prime,exclusive to Nintendo GameCube. 21st March marks the European launch of thisblockbuster title, and the return of Samus Aran, the ice-cool bounty hunterwho’ll once again lock horns will the evil Space Pirates.

Metroid Prime hasalready received outstanding reviews in the US, selling a staggering 250,000copies within one week of its release. Early reviews of Metroid Primeindicate it is set to take Europe by storm and live up to its billing as oneof the best games of all time. A tall order indeed, but with the legendarystatus of its predecessors, each one somehow building on and bettering thelast, there is every reason to believe that Metroid Prime will do exactly that!

Super Metroid on SNES saw Samus Aran saving the day as she prevented the evilSpace Pirates and Moether Brian from letting the Metroids loose on PlanetZebes. Now, 8 years later, Metroid can be experienced like never before, inglorious, full 3D with all the action taking place from an amazing 1st-personperspective. Players actually get to step inside the famous power suit andexperience the game through Samus’ eyes, as though they are the great bountyhunter herself! This viewing perspective not only revolutionises the look ofthe game in a way never thought possible, but it is also essential to thegameplay.

Players can explore and examine the vast environments down to the smallestdetail with the scanning ability of Samus’ face visor. The visor also helpsto target and lock onto enemies allowing for laser-point accuracy in the heatof fierce alien battles.

With Samus’ vitals such as health, ammo levels, map and weapons selections alldisplayed on the inside of her visor, the player never need remove themselvesfrom the gameplay, making Metroid Prime one of the most immersive gamingexperiences ever!

Atmosphere has always been a key feature of the Metroid series andMetroid Prime doesn’t disappoint. Samus finds herself on the lonely world ofTallon IV tracing what she suspects to be Space Pirate activity. This takesher from the lush Tallon overworld to the ancient Chozo Ruins, snow-coveredPhendrana Drifts and the lava-filled Magmoor Caverns. Each incredibleenvironment is filled with unique enemies and obstacles. This not only helpsto differentiate between sections, but it provides a rich and variedexperience. In terms of audio, Metroid Prime is second to none. Supporting afull Dolby Pro-Logic II soundtrack, each environment is perforated withatmospheric sound effects and an eerie musical score.

The name of the game in Metroid Prime is survival! Throughout the course ofher exploits on Tallon IV, Samus will have to search for numerous weaponryupgrades, in order to progress and also to tackle certain enemies. Theseinclude Super Missiles, Ice Beam, Thermal Visor, Flamethrower, Space Jump Bootsand many more. The beauty of Metroid Prime is the constant discovery of newitems and weapons that will allow players go back and overcome previouslyimpassable sections.

Metroid just wouldn’t be Metroid without the inclusion of Samus’ incredibleability to roll herself into a small ball, the Morph Ball, and squeeze throughthe unlikeliest of spaces. To accomplish this, the game seamlessly leaves thenormal 1st-person perspective and players take control of the Morph Balldirectly from a 3rd-person perspective. This smooth and effortless transitionnot only looks and feels amazing, but is one of the many key features thatsets Metroid Prime a cut above the rest in terms of presentation, control andabove all gameplay.

And that’s not all. For the first time, two of Nintendo’s Metroid titles willconnect. By completing Metroid Fusion for Game Boy Advance and Metroid Primeon NINTENDO GAMECUBE, then linking them together via the NINTENDO GAMECUBEGame Boy Advance link cable, gamers will be able to open two features:

  • 1. By completing Metroid Prime, gamers can link to Metroid Fusion and playMetroid Prime again, this time with Samus wearing a new suit from MetroidFusion.
  • 2. By completing Metroid Fusion and then linking to Metroid Prime, gamerscan unlock the original Metroid from the NES and play this on theirNINTENDO GAMECUBE

As one of the key must-play games on the NINTENDO GAMECUBE, Metroid Prime isset to join over 100 superb titles already available on the console. So start2003 as you mean to go on, with some serious action, adventure and excitement- Samus is coming…

Metroid Prime is exclusive to the NINTENDO GAMECUBE and launches onMarch 21st at an estimated retail price of around 60 euros.

Click ontoNintendo Europe.comfor all of the most up to date official information on Nintendo.

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2003.

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