Zelda: The Legend Returns

Zelda: The Legend Returns


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Posted: April 19th, 2003.

THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: THE WIND WAKER launches on NINTENDO GAMECUBE with a€5 Million European Marketing Campaign.

Nintendo™s greatly anticipated release of The Legend of Zelda: The WindWaker, exclusive to NINTENDO GAMECUBE, launches across Europe with thesupport of a €5 million marketing campaign.

This latest title in the hugely successful Zelda series launches on 3 May2003 with support from TV, print and online advertising, plus limitededitions for retail.

TV advertising will target kids with a 30 second execution via terrestrialand satellite channels including Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Fox Kids,GMTV & ITV. The creative captures the epic nature of Link’s quest to savehis sister and fuses live action and animation. Print advertising willcomprise of single page “coming soon” executions followed by DPS “out now”executions running over 2 months from April in specialist gamingpublications and kids press.

The online campaign will run over 6 weeks and feature multiple creativesdesigned to appeal to both kids and avid gamers. Executions will includebanners, eye-blasters and a microsite atNintendo.co.uk

Nintendo’s website atNintendo Europe.comwill carry updated news andreviews of the game and banners. In addition a bespoke Flash mail-out willbe distributed to over 250,000 subscribers to the site. A specially builtmicrosite will also carry a major online competition where entrants will beinvited to be creative with Zelda.

At launch The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, will be sold as a limitededition 2 disk set, containing the game disk and an additional bonus disk.The bonus disk contains two additional games available for the first time onthe NINTENDO GAMECUBE: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and The Legendof Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest.

Nintendo are also releasing a limited edition Zelda Pak priced at around 199Euros, available from launch day on 3 May. The Pak contains the limitededition The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker game (including the bonus disk),plus an exclusive platinum NINTENDO GAMECUBE and controller. The platinumconsole has not previously been available in Europe and will only beavailable at launch as part of this Pak. The Zelda Pak gives all gamers achance to get their hands on what has already been hailed as a truly greatgame, along with a brand new, great looking NINTENDO GAMECUBE.

The PR campaign already underway focuses on the global phenomenon & heritageof the Zelda franchise, with editorial & competitions targeted to kids andspecialist gaming press.

David Gosen, Managing Director of Nintendo of Europe said,“We’re extremely excited about the launch of The Legend of Zelda: The WindWaker, especially following the incredible success in the US with over 1.1million shipped.

We also expect huge interest in the limited edition disk and the Zelda Pakcontaining the exclusive platinum NINTENDO GAMECUBE. The Zelda Pak & thelimited edition disk represent great value for money on one of the mosthotly anticipated game releases of the year.”

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker introduces a new look to the Zeldaseries as Link returns, this time on a new quest to rescue his sister fromher evil captor. The 9 games in the Zelda series prior to The Wind Wakerhave enjoyed staggering global sales, with over 36 million units sold since1986, which have appeared across 6 of Nintendo’s consoles; the NES, SNES,N64, Game Boy, Game Boy Color and most recently the Game Boy Advance withThe Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past / Four Swords. The Wind Waker isthe first appearance of the Zelda franchise on NINTENDO GAMECUBE and as suchhas the gaming community almost breathless with anticipation.

Click ontoNintendo.co.ukfor more information about The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.

Click ontoNintendo Europe.comfor all of the most up to date official information on Nintendo.

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2003.

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