Pokémon Trading Card Game

Pokémon Trading Card GameDistributed by
NintendoPosted: December 16th, 2000.


Pokémon Trading Card Game is released on the Nintendo Game Boy onthe 15th of December priced £29.99.

The adventure never ends. You’ve weaved your way around Pokémon World throughPokémon Red, Blue and Yellow collecting all 150 Pokémon. Andthen, there’s more. Pokémon Trading Card Game is a brand new adventurewhere this time your task is to collect, trade and battle to get all 226Pokémon cards. Fancy it? Of course you do – this one’s just as addictive asits predecessors.

Your task as a player of the game is to become a Pokémon Grand Master. Easy.Er – no. To do so, you need to capture the exceptionally rare “LegendaryPokémon Cards” held by the four Grand Masters. You don’t get there bybeing some young upstart – you’ve got to defeat eight Club Masters – and todo that you’ve got to beat 2 or 3 Club Members.

On your journey, players pick up rewards of special rare cards by the oddside quest on the side. Pick battles with various players along the way andcompete in the Challenge Cup is one way. As you pick off players you areawarded booster packs which help you on your way and strengthen yourever-fattening pack. You need 226 cards so there’s a lot of work to bedone on the way. In all, 200 cards exist from the original set of tradingcards and in addition there are 26 new ones exclusive to the Game Boy.

There’s some full-on two player strategy action using the link cable.Rather niftily Game Boy Color owners can get rare cards using the Card Pop!Feature. Two players will be able to use the infra red port to swap cards.In addition, over 20 exclusive cards have been created especially for theGame Boy Trading Card Game. You can also print out cards using your GameBoy Printer. Nice.

For those who are into collecting the trading cards there’s a free exclusiveMeowth Card included within every Trading Card Game.

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2000.

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