Tangerine Dream: The Video Dream Mixes

Tangerine Dream: The Video Dream MixesDistributed by
Sanctuary Digital EntertainmentCoverPosted: March 1st, 2001.

Tangerine Dream was founded by Edgar Froese in September 1967. Froese, whowas studying painting and sculpture, never in fact intended to earn a livingfrom music. Rather, he was fascinated by the strong, expressive paintings ofDali whom he knew personally for two years. The fact that Dali invited him togive several concerts at his villa gives us a strong indication of how importanttransferring the visual arts to music was to Froese, and through the band’s 34year history and numerous line-ups, Froese’s creative vision has always deliveredmore than just music.

The Video Dream Mixes is a montage of musical dreams and picturesque visions,not simply another collection of manufactured promo clips, set to varioustracks from their newer repertoire of the nineties including Touchwood andFire Tongues.

Released on DVD on 12th March, The Video Dream Mixes offers a choice of DolbyStereo or Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound and an Aspect Radio that isanamorphically enhanced for 16:9 Widescreen TVs. Additional features includesong selection and an animated menu. Price: £15.99.

Tracks: Bride in Cold Tears, Catwalk, Jungle Journey, Touchwood,Change Of The Gods, Rough Embrace,e Little Blonde in the Park of Attractions,San Rocco, Fire Tongues

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2001.

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