The Complete SeriesDistributed by
Posted: April 1st, 2003.
Be TAKEN on a worldwide journey…
Steven Spielberg’s Golden Globe nominated mini-series, TAKEN, is this year’smust-have box set for fans of science fiction and Spielberg alike. The manbehind cult classicClose Encountersand the phenomenally successfulE.T.: The Extra Terrestrialdecided to do justice to his alien interest by dedicating £26million andthree years to creating the ten-episode epic mini-series TAKEN – as heexplains – “I’ve always been interested in the genre and thought I couldn’tdo it justice in a movie”.
The resulting mini-series has been a huge hit with TV audiences on both sidesof the Atlantic and will be available to own as a 5-VHS and 6-DVD box set fromMonday 5th May, for only £39.99 and £49.99 respectively. Releasing before theUS version, here’s your chance to be TAKEN on a worldwide journey like neverbefore!

TAKEN is an epic saga that weaves together the stories of three families overmore than half a century beginning with the Roswell incident in 1947 andconcluding in the present day. Featuring a talented cast of stars includingJoel Gretsch(Minority Report),Julie Benz (Buffy The Vampire Slayer);Eric Close (Dark Skies);Heather Donahue (The Blair Witch Project);Matt Frewer (Max Headroom);Roger R Cross (First Wave);and narrated by the BAFTA award-winning actress Dakota Fanning (I Am Sam);TAKEN is a powerful and emotional tale of mankind’s encounters withextraterrestrials.
Beginning with the abduction of Captain Russell Keys, a decorated WWII pilot,the Keys family find themselves chosen to be ‘taken’ by aliens for generations. Russell unwittingly passes the legacy on to his son Jesse and then ultimatelyto his grandson Charlie – but what is it about this family that interests thealiens and keeps them coming back again and again?
Meanwhile, intrigued by the discovery of the crash site in Roswell, CaptainOwen Crawford begins his own family legacy – to solve the mystery behind alienexistence. Crawford, however is a ruthlessly ambitious military man who willstop at nothing to get what he wants – even murder – and both his knowledge ofthe aliens and ruthless streak are passed on from generation to generationwith shocking results…

Finally, the Clarkes are a tight-knit family led by Sally, a kind but lonelyhousewife who spends a night of passion with a handsome stranger, John. Sherightly suspects that John is in fact the alien survivor of the Roswellspacecraft and does everything in her power to protect both her family and themysterious John. Later, when she finds herself pregnant, she realises that herson Jacob is no ordinary child and in fact could hold the key to the future ofthe planet…
All three families intertwine throughout the movie until the ultimate andastonishing conclusion in this gripping, action-packed and special effectsladen epic. As a ‘must see’ from beginning to end, you’ll be captivated byall 10 episodes and as a special DVD-only extra you’ll have the chance to beTAKEN behind-the-scenes in an exclusive interview with the cast and crew.
TAKEN – the whole encounter available to own on DVD and VHS from 5th May.
News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2003.
Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running DVDfever.co.uk since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.