Anna Kournikova: Basic Elements

Dom Robinson reviews

Anna Kournikova: Basic ElementsDistributed by
Granada Media

  • Cert:
  • GVD 022
  • Running time: 52 minutes
  • Year: 2001
  • Pressing: 2001
  • Region(s): 2 (UK PAL)
  • Chapters: 48
  • Sound: Dolby Digital 2.0 (Stereo)
  • Languages: English
  • Subtitles: None
  • Fullscreen: 4:3
  • 16:9-enhanced: No
  • Macrovision: Yes
  • Disc Format: DVD 5
  • Price: £14.99
  • Extras: None


      Marty Ehrlich


      David Wohlstadter

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Meet Anna. She smiles.

She’s a gorgeous Russian blonde and as fit as a butcher’s dogand now tennis star-cum-model Anna Kournikova has released her ownfitness programme entitled Basic Elements.

In this 52-minute workout, she takes you through your paces starting witha few warm-up routines, then three sections devoted to the upper body,two to the lower body and finally a cool down session. Hands up all thosewho’d quite like a session with Anna Kournikova’s glistening, tanned lower body?

She also provides extra tips along the way about nutrition in the form ofpower breakfasts, dietary guidelines, high fibre diet and diets in general.

With so many classic, freeze-frameable moments, how can you turn down this DVD?

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Skydiving practice was a late addition.

No alarms and no surprises, the picture is presented in 4:3 fullscreenand it’s a fairly clean video transfer although artifacts do rear theirugly head from time to time.The average bitrate is 6.5Mb/s, occasionally peaking over 8Mb/s.

The sound is plain stereo and is mostly used for dialogue and synth backingmusic, the sort that might accompany a video game.

Where Granada have really gone to town on this disc though is the chapterssince there are 48 covering the 52 minutes on view, which is one for eachelement of the programme plus opening and closing credits. However, there’snothing at all in the way of extras, sadly.

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Work that upper body!


Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2001.

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