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Dom Robinson reviews

Blackadder's Christmas Carol

Distributed by

Blackadder's Christmas Carol was a long time coming to DVD, but worth the wait as Blackadder prepares for the big day, while Baldrick can't spell "Christmas" on the cards with any of the letters spelt correctly and his nativity play was a shambles due to the high infant mortality rate signaling the end and not the beginning for the baby Jesus.

Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson) and Baldrick (Tony Robinson) did have £17 and a penny to spend on the festive season, until Mrs Scratchit (Pauline Melville, Vyvyan's mum in The Young Ones) turned up with a tale of hardship and conned them into paying £17 for a box of matches, then a street urchin begged a penny off them. They soon lose their presents to goddaughter Millicent (Nicola Bryant) and nuts to a bunch of greedy Enormous Orphans, one of which played by Grange Hill's Ro-land, Erkan Mustafa. That just leaves the turkey... and a visit from Queen Victoria (Miriam Margolyes) and Prince Albert (Jim Broadbent).

Then, in a series of three visions from the Spirit of Christmas (Robbie Coltrane), Blackadder gets to see how being bad can actually be quite good when he's shown how Blackadder II, Blackadder III and a futuristic alternative get to spend their yuletide, all featuring the usual suspects, Miranda Richardson, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Patsy Byrne as Nursie and Who Dares Wins' Philip Pope Lord Horatio Nelson.

The picture is as good as the third and fourth in the DVD series. There are no visible print scratches but it can occasionally look a little soft. The soundtrack is in stereo like the last disc, but again it's purely functional, giving clear dialogue.

Just a mere 8 chapters are here for this special, the menus are silent and static, there are English subtitles and as for the extras... Bah humbug! Sod all there. Why do the BBC get so selective with these? A few DVDs get loads while most others, particularly back catalogue titles, get nothing.

Given that all we have here is a single episode - and "Scene Selection" is NOT an extra, BBC, this should've been an extra itself on one of the previous DVDs.



Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2002.

The following is a list of all the Black Adder DVDs reviewed online to date :

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