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Dom Robinson reviews

The Bourne Identity

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We've all had days like the lead character in The Bourne Identity.

You wake up, feeling rough as hell and not knowing who or where you are. However, while most of us can attribute that to the combination of beer, cider and wine from the night before and that we're at least waking up in something resembling a bed, for Jason Bourne (Matt Damon), his bed is the sea and he's dragged out of it at the beginning of the film by the men on a fishing boat.

To cap it all, he's got two bullets in his back and a device stitched into him which reveals the code number of a Swiss bank account - and neither of those can be sorted out with a glass of water and a sachet of Resolve.

After making his way onshore and retrieving a barrel-load of money, fake passports and identification from the aforementioned account, he finds his name is revealed to be Jason Bourne, but if there's plenty of other documents with his picture on in different names then just who the hell is he? The authorities aren't much help. Every time they confront him he amazes himself by finding the strength and dexterity to defeat several of them at once.

"Look, I'll bribe you if you pass your test for Comic Relief."

I could go on, but put quite simply, this is a chase thriller from end to end and a cracking one at that, albeit one that requires a lot of suspension of disbelief. Damon is accompanied by Run Lola Run's Franka Potente as foreign student Marie Kreutz, whose travel visa has expired and doesn't want to be forced to leave the country. Crazed bad guys even drop by Bourne's flat in Paris just a few minutes after he's taken a look around the residence for the first time. The C.I.A. are keen to learn of Bourne's whereabouts because they thought he was dead, but now they know he's alive and kicking, will they help him out or attempt to help ruin his day even further?

And talking of kicking, when it comes to violence in the film, it does seem excessive for a 12-certificate as it's not done in a play-acting style as you'd expect from a Jackie Chan comedy. This proved all that was wrong about the new cinema "12a" certificate, which allows children under 12 to see the film as long as they're accompanied by an adult.

When it comes to a film such as this, young children wouldn't even begin to understand it and this would ruin the experience for the rest of the paying audience. Even Matt Damon went on record as saying it should've received a 15-certificate due to the violence and the plot. Still, at least it wasn't censored.

The cast is complimented by Chris Cooper as CIA team leader Conklin. Cooper's isn't a name most people will know, but he's probably best known recently as Kevin Spacey's obstinate neighbour in American Beauty, Britain's own Brian Cox making his token appearance in an American film for no apparent reason, as Conklin's boss, Clive Owen, simply known as "The Professor" and I'll say no more, plus Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as overzealous terrorist-type Wombosi, better known to viewers of the excellent Oz as Adebisi. Julia Stiles also shows up as CIA computer geek Nicolette, but thankfully not a love interest since she can't act to save her life. Finally, there's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it from Vincent Franklin. Who? Here, he has a brief line as Rawlins, the head of a security company, while he previously played Rowan, the organiser of the training day in an episode of The Office.

Matt walks on the street
because he drives on the pavement.
Well, you have to fit in with the French somehow.

Presented in 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen, there's no faults to the sound or picture. Crisp and clear, it even makes Paris look worth another visit, and actually clean, and full of good drivers. In this re-release, it's clearly the same print as it still shows up some rather dodgy CGI in a fall towards the end, but I'll say nothing else about that so as not to spoil it.

Soundwise, the extra extras have meant this takes on a demerit as there's only a Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack and not a DTS 5.1 one, which I went with last time as it was resplendent in fantastic split-surround effects and well-used sound placing. Certainly a demo disc in scenes like the car chase. DD5.1 will still be good, but not *as* good.

There are a number of little bits and pieces amongst the extras that are worth a look, but nothing that'll leave a lasting impression:

This time round the extras are as follows:

And that's that. This isn't really a Special Edition, per se, just a cheap cash-in as the sequel gets released in the cinema. The only extras you lose out on from the first DVD are a near-15-minute chat-n-clips piece, The Birth of The Bourne Identity, a trailer for the film itself (which should've remained included), an extended farmhouse scene which was nothing to write home about, teaser trailers for The Hulk and Johnny English, the DVD-ROM extras and they've also removed the director's commentary.

Multiple-language subtitles are thrown away in favour of English only, the number of chapters remains the same as 20, and the menus are still the same. These have animation and some music from the film, but they do repeat a lot.

It has to be said that the new extras offer nothing of worth, and the fact they rob the viewer of a DTS soundtrack is pure madness, hence it's lost a point for sound and added nothing for supplemental material. Get the original DVD if you still can as it's been deleted from many places as I write this.



Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2004.

Read the original DVD review

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