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Dom Robinson reviews

Bratz: The Movie

Distributed by
Momentum Pictures

Cover Note that there are a few plot spoilers in this review... although the plot isn't something that can't easily be guessed.

Firstly, as the four Bratz girls (right) wake up at the start of the film, no-one is ever that perky in the morning. Especially on the first day of a new school term at Carry Nation High School, but these girls' idea of fun is to dress trendy and show everyone that they're cool, and who out of their friends can't fail to be impressed by wardrobes the size of Narnia, which even then have hidden compartments...

Their nemesis is the evil Meredith (Chelsea Staub, below-right, relishing in this role) who is in a clique of her own as the school's student body president but has the lunchtime area broken down into 48 separate seating plans for each clique of goths, skaters, disco dorks, gangstas, wannabe gangstas, etc. She is the daughter of Principal Dimly (Jon Voight, who's rather sleepwalking through his performance), has a big-haired boyfriend called Cameron who looks like Any Joseph Will Do's Lee Mead, and her two best friends are Avery (Anneliese van der Pol) and Quinn (Malese Jow) to whom she talks down at every chance. She's so full of herself from dawn until dusk and has a small dog that fits in her handbag called Paris.

Cover Of the four girls playing the main characters, the actresses have similarly odd names. There's Jade (Janel Parrish) who's into science and fashion, Sasha (Logan Browning) is the cheerleader, Cloe (Skyler Shaye) is a bit of a clutz and plays women's football and, finally, Yasmin (Nathalia Ramos) is the main singer of the four, and whose character seems a bit too much of a sickly sweet all-American girl. Yasmin fancies Dylan, a school jock who is deaf but who doesn't sound deaf because he can speak perfect English. He also has hidden musical talents as he can play the piano and spins discs, but thinks he hasn't got a chance of being into music due to his disability. Hmm... hasn't he heard of Beethoven?

The girls want to take over and rule the talent contest, but what may harm their friendship is that their new curriculum activities take them away from being together and split them off into their own groups.

Two years later... we meet up with them and their differences are made more apparent with a food fight in the school dining area, but you know things will be back to normal before long, and as Yasmin becomes the singer out of the quartet, the others form her backing group and, thus, are born - Bratz, and they're going in for the talent show, the prize for which is a college scholarship, which they'll give to Cloe who is seemingly the only one of the four who seemingly comes from a poorhouse.

There's a nice quote when it comes to shopping, the origins of which will go over the heads of this film's intended audience, as Sasha comes out with, "I love the smell of retail in the morning."

Overall, in Bratz: The Movie, there's nothing new here. It's mostly the kind of thing that's drummed out for every generation, but it's done well for the generation who can't live without their iPhones and MySpace, so they'll greatly enjoy it, and it will also pass a reasonable 90 minutes or so for the adults that end up sitting through it as well.

Oh, and something amusing taken from the BBFC website to explain the certificate:

Working for the BBFC sounds like an amusing job to come out with all of that!

The 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen print is a clean and clear one, with bright colours and locations really standing out. Given the intended audience, the print needs to be one that delivers a striking image to grab viewers' attention, and it certainly does just that. There's great use of the 2.35:1 widescreen frame is made, especially in the numerous split-screen sequences, often with the four girls in varying numbers, which would normally be lost when cropped to 16:9 or 4:3 for Tv, but as the film was made with Super-35 if a decent open-matte print can be struck from that then it should still be perfectly viewable, even though the tightness of the framing will be lost.

The Dolby Digital 5.1 soundmix has little in the way of special effects, but fulfils the criteria of belting out the songs without any problems.

Cover The extras are plentiful and begin as follows:

In addition to almost 50 minutes of short but sweet featurettes which will concisely provide information of value for its audience, there's also a pre-DVD trailer for Penelope, but this should be in the main menu, not before the film, even if it is coming out in the cinema shortly rather than being out on DVD. This is not the age of the rental video!

The disc comes with English subtitles, there are 24 chapters to the film and the menus contain various tunes from the film although the backgrounds are static.



Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2007.

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