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Dom Robinson reviews

Darkness Falls

Evil rises.

Distributed by

Columbia TriStar

Cover Darkness Falls proves that it's not only in the current climate that 'trial by media' can happen, in that innocent people are tried and found guilty in the eyes of the stupid who have no evidence to back it up, so it's understandable that 150 years ago Matilda Dixon put a curse on the town of "Darkness Falls", after the population put her to death.

Her crime? She used to give a gold coin to any kids who lost a tooth, earning her nickname "The Tooth Fairy", but when two kids disappeared one night they figured it must be her fault, and since her face was scarred from a bad fire in the house, one time, and couldn't be exposed to the light, you can exactly just how they made her last hours on Earth even more painful. No doubt she made things worse by subsequently creating the Dixons chain of shops, complete with their know-nothing staff and its similarly pointless and braindead offshoots, PC World, Currys and The Link... but I digress.

The film begins with the Tooth Fairy paying a spooky visit to a young Kyle Walsh. He loses his last tooth - the point at which all havoc is allowed to break loose, and before he can count the money under his pillow, doors slam shut, his Mum goes to investigate, she winds up in a fatal way and he's put into care after the townsfolk have assumed it's all his fault.

Fast-forward 12 years later and Kyle's (Chaney Kley) then-childhood crush, Caitlin Greene (Emma Caulfield) has a younger brother suffering the same night terrors and so seeks help, but Kyle has other problems in that people still think he killed his mum and when they confront him and wind up dead as well, the blinkered fools put two and two together to come up with five, or at least the most plausible possibility.

If you want something to show off the speakers in your system in a subtle fashion, with the way ol' TF's voice filters round them then this is worth a look, but while it was too short to get bored (the last 10 of the 82 minutes are reserved for the titles), there really is nothing new to this Freddy Kreuger-style rip-off with people shrieking a lot at each other and if you can find better things to watch, aside from the gorgeous Emma Caulfield (see above-right), then do so.

The film is presented in the original 2.40:1 anamorphic widescreen and there's no problems with this as it spends a lot of time in the dark and copes very well indeed, given the number of DD5.1 soundtracks and subtitle languages on the disc.

Soundwise, there's nice use of SFX around the speakers as the Tooth Fairy comes to visit and there's DD5.1 sound and dialogue in English, Hungarian, Spanish and Russian.

For the extras, there's not a massive amount even if you are a fan of this film. They start with three Trailers: Darkness Falls (2 mins, 16:9), Anger Management (90 seconds, 16:9) and xXx (1 minute, somewhere between 16:9 and the original 2.35:1), two featurettes, one straight-forward 'making of' (17 mins, 16:9) with cast and crew trying to justify how incredible it was to make such a pile of seenitallbefore; and "The Legend of Matilda Dixon", and how it was inspired by the happenings around Port Fairy, Australia (11 mins, 4:3).

There are Four Storyboard Comparisons (6 mins), each showing clips and how they were originally sketched out, 7 Deleted Scenes (9½ mins, 2.35:1 non-anamorphic) and Two audio commentaries, one from the filmmakers and one from the writers.

The menus are all static and silent, there are 28 chapters which is fine for such a short film and there are subtitles in English, Spanish, Dutch, Arabic, Croatian, Czech, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Turkish Did they really need so many?



Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2003.

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