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Dom Robinson reviews

Darkman 2:
The Return of Durant

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Darkman 2: The Return of Durant is the first of two sequels to the Liam Neeson original, directed by Sam Raimi, but instead we now have Bradford May at the helm, director of Lethal Lolita, one of two films about the Amy Fisher scandal and Arnold Vosloo as the main character. He's better known as The Mummy's, er..., mummy. Both Darkman sequels also went straight to video in the U.K., so it's nice to have the first one presented in anamorphic widescreen.

As the subtitle would suggest, even after blowing up Durant (Larry Drake) in a helicopter 'accident' at the end of the first film, he's back for more. Death clearly isn't the career set-back it used to be.

Since he's been away, the arms trade has gone out of their reach with prices going below cost. So, the answer is to make their own weaponry and something that's a bit special too - high-tech laser-sighted doobries powered by mini-nuclear generators, each capable of producing 450 Gigawatts of power. Considering it took just 1.2 Gigawatts to send Marty McFly 'back to the future', this new gun is a SPICY meat-ball!

Vosloo proves himself easily adaptable to B-movie action nonsense - as proved in Hard Target - and I presume Neeson, being the close-to-A-list celebrity that he is, had better things to do. As a result, this film even had to go to the point of recreating scenes from the first film with Vosloo's face in place.

Darkman, in his Peyton Westlake human form, gets to know a Dr. David Brinkman who has managed to break the 99-minute barrier in polymer skin substitutes, i.e. Darkman will be able to wear his liquid skin face for longer. Brinkman has managed a 3-hour limit, but together as partners they could look for a permanently stable variety.

Potential love interests come to light in the form of Jill Randall (Kim Delaney) - a television journalist enlisted by Darkman to help prove to the world that Durant is still alive - and Brinkman's sister Laurie (Renee O'Connor, better known as Gabrielle in Xena: Warrior Princess).

Cover Cover Cover

The 3 Darkman DVDs.

The picture is framed at the original 1.85:1 widescreen ratio and is anamorphic. It's mostly excellent with just a few artifacts and sparklies to mar the presentation on occasion - certainly nothing to really worry about. The average bitrate is a very high 8.21Mb/s.

The sound is very good too. The film wasn't made in Dolby Digital 5.1 so all the SFX are standard ProLogic, but they sound superb, particularly when the new style of tommy guns let rip.

Extras :

Chapters :

There are 18 chapters, which is fine for this just-under-90-minute film.

Languages & Subtitles :

Dialogue comes in five flavours: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Subtitles are in nine: English for the hard of hearing, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish.

And there's more :

Three 4:3 Trailers, for each of the three Darkman films, plus a DVD-ROM weblink to Universal's website: Universal (There, I've saved you the trouble)

Menu :

Silent and static with all the usual options and a shot of the cover. The only whiff of Dolby Digital 5.1 this disc gets is in the opening Universal logo.

Overall, this is a very entertaining film and worthy of the 90-minutes you'll spend watching it, but it's firmly stuck in straight-to-video terrority and as such I'd advise a rental, but only a purchase if you really want to watch it over and over again.



Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2000.

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