Burnout (import)

MhcFirestarter reviews

Burnout (import) for
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  • Price: $49.99
  • Players: 1-2

game picBurnout is pretty much a straight port from the PS2 title. This is a high speed racing game. In this game you must compete in many championships to earn chances at getting new cars. There arent many unlockables in the game though but is worth the struggle to beat it.

This game also adds something into the racing genre of games. You are actually rewarded on driving wrecklesly, but be sure not to hit ANY cars over 50 mph. The game puts you into some cut-scene everytime, showing different angles of your wreck. That allows the cars that are behind you fly right past and you have to wait for the cut-scene to end. It gets REALLY annoying. This game is one of the best racing games I have played since Gran Turismo 2 and is actually fun for a long period of time unlike most racing/driving simulator games out there on the shelves.

Another great aspect of this game is the CPU. They are challenging but not too hard, they give you a chance to catch up most of the time. The CPU is kind of stupid too, sometimes, when your driving close to one it will spaz and just purposely smash into another car. One thing i would of liked to see overall though is a larger variety of cars. The cars arent name brand either. You can tell what kind of car they are in real life though.

The aspects are overall medium. The graphics are very good on the close-up objects, but could of been much better. The background isn’t very involving either. When you pass by lights it reflects off your car and looks cool, that would be my favorite thing about its graphics. The sound is excellent. It is very clear and smooth. If you don’t like techno music though, it could get aggrevating, but I do. It also has an option where you can just listen to the music tracks in the game too. The playability is very smooth and easy to handle. Turning is very easy unlike other driving games, you don’t have to powerbrake and slide in this game, but that option is still there though. The cars differ on there handling too. The game is very fun and easy to play.

I recommend you have a bottle of aspirin to relieve your headache after you play this game. There is a lot of bright lights and flashing, and you must focus A LOT to keep from crashing but at the same time drive wreckless to gain Boost.


Review copyright © MhcFirestarter, 2002.

Email: MhcFirestarter

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