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Dom Robinson reviews

Pink Floyd: The Wall

Distributed by
Sony Music


Animation Director:




Pink Floyd: The Wall places Bob Geldof in the title role of "Pink Floyd" as a man who lets all his problems get on top of him, each one being a brick in "the wall" of the title. Of course, this wouldn't be a great problem for most sane human beings in the world, but Pink isn't. He's a burnt-out rock 'n' roll performer whacked out on drink and drugs and holed up in a hotel room somewhere in Los Angeles, watching an old war film and becoming entranced.

The action swaps between this and an earlier time when he was a child whose father was killed in the war, but now as the demons in his head begin to race around, he feels it is his turn to lord over everyone else as he pictures himself as a Hitleresque figure, but as the film draws to a close he imposes a self-trial in which all of those who have contributed to his "wall" to rise up and testify against him.

The film has little in the way of conventional dialogue, opting to tell the story in a series of songs such as Comfortably Numb, Run Like Hell and, of course, Another Brick in the Wall. It also has a number of cameos including Bob Hoskins as his manager, London's Burning's James Hazeldine as his mother's lover, Joanne Whalley-Kilmer as Pink's groupie, Philip Davis and Gary Olsen as roadies and an uncredited cameo for Roger Waters in the wedding scene.

As for the group itself, I was introduced to them, as were many, while at University, starting first with the classic Dark Side of the Moon, before moving on to Wish You Were Here, The Final Cut, The Division Bell and the live double-album, Delicate Sound of Thunder.

movie pic

Another series of 'dinnerladies' was just too much to take.

The picture quality is excellent. As the cover states, it is a new hi-definition film transfer struck from the original widescreen interpositive, which in layman's terms means someone's gone back to basics and remastered the film to the point where it is how it was originally meant to be seen.

There are no artifacts on view and the average bitrate is a fine 6.24Mb/s, occasionally peaking over 9Mb/s. The film is presented in its original widescreen ratio of 2.35:1 as you'd expect and is anamorphic, which provides an extra 33% of picture resolution.

What can be said of the sound other than options are available in stereo and Dolby Digital 5.1 and all of Pink Floyd's songs boom out like they're supposed to. For occasional moments when there is only dialogue, even if it's just quiet, spoken words from the war film on TV, it has a distinct clarity. Alas, I don't have a DD5.1 system so cannot appreciate the full effect, but it's perfectly impressive in surround sound, which boosts the point that the sound is remastered from the original master tapes.

Extras. :

Chapters and trailer :

There are 27 chapters which approximates to one per song although there are no track listings or chapter titles. The original theatrical trailer is also included.

Languages & Subtitles :

As stated before, the sound is in Stereo or Dolby Digital 5.1, with lyrics in English, French, Spanish and Italian.

And there's more... :

The Retrospective is a 45-minute documentary split into two parts and includes interviews from Roger Waters, animator Gerald Scarfe, director Alan Parker, producer Alan Marshall, director of photography Peter Bizou and music producer James Guthrie all discussing the reasoning behind the film and their thoughts on its creation. Added to this is The Other Side Of The Wall, a 25-minute documentary about the making of the film, featuring interviews with many of the same people but recorded at the time.

A feature-length audio commentary is included from Roger Waters and Gerald Scarfe, a gallery containing 40 pictures and 25 still photos, Music videos for "Hey You" - which was cut from the final print - and "Another Brick In The Wall Part 2", the latter making No.1 in December 1979. Four double-sided art cards featuring Gerald Scarfe's drawings are included in the package as well and if all that's not enough, there's an excellent bonus in the form of a Technical Sound System Set Up which provides info on how best to align your speakers and tests their positioning.

Menu :

The menus are exceptional. There are far too many to count and each one combines clips from the film with Pink Floyd's music. The initial menu contains the opening tones of "Shine On You Crazy Diamond". Some menus also have 'secret buttons' that provide more weirdness.

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Labour's promise of smaller class sizes
was too much to ask for.

The Wall is such a bizarre film it's difficult to make sense of it all. Some scenes are more of a fascinating watch than others, while some leave you completely clueless as to what's going on. I understand this is the sort of film that makes more sense the more you watch it and that it's not just a series of promo videos to accompany the album, but how many times before the penny drops?

It's taken nearly four months from its originally-scheduled date to finally see a release but it's certainly been worth the wait. In terms of extras, as far as I know this release contains all the same ones featured on the Region 1 DVD, which is generally a bonus, but the sheer quantity to be found here makes it a must-have.

DVD Trivia: Over 60 hours of footage and 10,000 drawings went into the making of this film.

FILM			: ***
EXTRAS			: *****
OVERALL			: ****½

Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2000.

Check out the Sony Music DVD Web site.

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