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Dom Robinson reviews

The Sixth Sense

Distributed by

Warner Bros.

The Sixth Sense is an eerie thriller about child psychologist Malcolm Crowe, (Bruce Willis), who tries to help a young boy named Cole (Haley Joel Osment) who has been diagnosed as suffering from "possible mood disorder" since the break-up of his parents' marriage. When Crowe first meets Cole, the boy utters a Latin phrase which gives Crowe something to think about when he has it translated.

I don't want to say too much about the plot because it's there for you to discover, but suffice to say that everything good you've heard about this film is true. Bruce Willis adds another string to his bow as a first-rate actor and newcomer Haley Joel Osment is certainly set to become a big star following this film and is in the running as the lead role in the Harry Potter movie when they get round to making it.

I'm just not a fan of Toni Collette - as Cole's mother - and wish she'd been replaced, but as least she doesn't spend her time getting on your nerves like she did in Muriel's Wedding.

The film is presented in the original 1.85:1 cinematic ratio and is anamorphic. With no artifacts, the image is crystal clear and has realistic flesh-tones. The average bitrate is 6.34Mb/s, occasionally peaking over 8Mb/s.

When it comes to the sound, it's not about what you can hear in the main, but what you can just about hear. The film is full of genuinely-spooky moments, all reproduced faithfully in Dolby Digital 5.1.

Extras :

Chapters :

19 chapters to the film which isn't too bad for its relatively-short length, but I never say no to more.

Languages and Subtitles :

English and Italian in Dolby Digital 5.1 for dialogue. Subtitles are available in the same languages plus French, the English variant being for the hard of hearing too.

And there's more... :

The extras largely consist of 36 minutes of short featurettes starting with Storyboard to film comparison, introduced by the director and focusing mainly on one scene; The Cast featuring chat from the main cast and crew members and why some of them were chosen; Music and Sound Design notes how background music was used to increase tension, Reaching the Audience concentrates on the filmmakers retelling public feedback; Rules and Clues shows how the film was made so certain elements ring true on subsequent viewings and A Conversation with M. Night Shyamalan sees the director explaining why he puts certain things into his films.

There are 4 Deleted Scenes including an extended ending, a Publicity section that contains the trailer and two TV spots and finally the extensive Filmmaker/Cast Biogs, even though they didn't seem to work on my DVD-ROM player.

Menu :

Static and silent with a shot of a light bulb and the standard options.

Overall, this is a very well-written and well-crafted film. It also has a memorable beginning, but, like the majority of the plot, it contains a surprise that you should only know of when you're watching it. Sadly, I knew of the film's ending before I watched this DVD, partly thanks to a newsgroup article that didn't have Spoiler noted (bugger!) and then I had it confirmed by an idiot on the otherwise-excellent Baddiel and Skinner Unplanned show on ITV.

I can see why The Daily Telegraph called it a 'must-see twice' film, but since I already knew the ending, I tried to look upon each scene from both perspectives. While the disc has many extras, is it a film you can watch over and over again? Probably not and for that the film loses a point.



Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2000.

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