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Another four years, another Olympics and another fewgames released to cash in..
Sydney 2000 is the official game of the event.
Twelve events are up for the trophy-taking, each with their own dedicatedtraining section which looks more like a new-wave 1980s computer-generated popvideo (right).
A running commentary comes from the respective country’s verbal-diarrhoea-spoutersbut their remarks are way too repetitive. The roar of the crowd during Swimmingsounds like a reverberating speaker rather than humans, it’s impossible tocontrol the Skeet Shooting and who can tell where the Hammer Throw will go?
(The closest I came to winning the hammer throw was on February 14th, 1992.At a party in my second year at Keele University where I got completely pissed,it wasn’t enough that we were all stood on the tables in someone else’s blockwailing away to Queen‘s I Want To Break Free, but afterwardsI went outside, span round several times gathering centrifugal force withthe ironing board, then launched it… into the top of a tree!)
Also, for the Hurdles and Swimming the camera is too far away to work outwhat’s going on, while leaping the High Jump was way too easy.
I think I’ll be sticking with ye olde Track N’ Field. It had no 3D action andyour sprinter sported a dodgy 70s porn-star barnet and tache, but at least hecould win the race!
(sharp voice) FOUL!
Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running DVDfever.co.uk since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.