Steven Spielberg’s Taken

Dom Robinson reviews

Steven Spielberg’s TakenDistributed by


  • Cert:
  • 8300102
  • Running time: 885 minutes
  • Year: 2002
  • Pressing: 2003
  • Region(s): 2, 4 (UK PAL)
  • Chapters: 90 plus extras
  • Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1
  • Languages: English
  • Subtitles: English
  • Widescreen: 1.78:1 (16:9)
  • 16:9-enhanced: Yes
  • Macrovision: Yes
  • Disc Format: 5 * DVD 9, 1 * DVD 5
  • Price: £49.99
  • Extras:”Inside Taken” documentary


      Breck Eisner, Felix Enriquez Alcala, John Fawcett, Tobe Hooper, Jeremy PaulKagan, Michael Katleman, Sergio Mirnica-Gezzan, Bryan Spicer, Jeff Woolnoughand Thomas J Wright


    Richard Heus

Written and created by:

    Leslie Bohem

Original Music :

    Laura Karpman

Cast :

    Capt. Owen Crawford: Joel Gretsch
    Anne Crawford: Tina Holmes
    Capt. Russell Keys: Steve Burton
    Kate Keys: Julie Benz
    Sally Clarke: Catherine Dent
    John: Eric Close
    Jesse Keys (teen): James Kirk
    Jesse Keys (adult): Desmond Harrington
    Amelia Keys: Julie Ann Emery
    Charlie Keys (adult): Adam Kaufman
    Sam Crawford: Ryan Merriman
    Julie Crawford: Emily Holmes
    Eric Crawford (adult): Andy Powers
    Mary Crawford (adult): Heather Donahue
    Tom Clarke (adult): Ryan Hurst
    Becky Clarke (adult): Chad Morgan
    Jacob Clarke (child): Anton Yelchin
    Jacob Clarke (adult): Chad Donella
    Carol Clarke: Sadie Lawrence
    Lisa Clarke (adult): Emily Bergl
    Allie Keys: Dakota Fanning
    Dr Chet Wakeman: Matt Frewer

When this series began on BBC2, I wasn’t quite “Taken” with it.This DVD release, so soon after the broadcast, is a chance to give it another goand this time it does seem a lot more intriguing. Perhaps that’s partly downto not having to endure a bright “BBC THREE” logo onscreen, or loudinterruptions as soon as the end credits begin, not to mention shrinking themup so they can barely be seen, such as the want of the so-called public servicebroadcaster.

Aliens have crash-landed in small-town America, largely populated bysmall-minded people and the only downside to this programme is that the uninvitedguests look just like we’ve come to expect from many a film that’s gone before,which is partly what put me off beforehand. It’s worth looking beyond that thoughas the plot transcends across three families and 50 years, from World War IIto the present, throughout the ten near-90-minute episodes.

Within even the first ten years of the plot, the US Army still haven’t figuredout what powered the alien craft, despite taking it apart. How do you controla device that doesn’t even have an engine? Due to an early encounter theybelieve it’s harnessed in the power of the mind, but just what sort of humancould achieve such a thing? Perhaps someone with psychic abilities but eventhat’s not a given. At the same time, selected members of the publicare disappearing briefly… they’re being ‘taken’ by the aliens to beexperimented upon before being put back. But for what purpose?

Taken is a series that’s much better than I originally gave it creditfor, but I think they should’ve shyed away from showing what the aliens looklike it they can’t make them look particularly original. Of course, it also doesget a bit moralistic at times, such as when some characters attempting tofight the prejudices of the time.

As for the actors, it’s a brave thing to film a series with an almost completelyunknown cast, but they work together and spar off each other well. It’s bestto start viewing without any preconceived ideas about any one character so Iwon’t go into any individual details. However, one thing I can make clear isthat it’s far from ‘Spielberg aliens for kids’ this time. It can get veryviolent and certainly earns its 15-certificate.

The disc is presented in the original 16:9 anamorphic widescreen ratio as wasbroadcast on TV – and even analogue BBC2 showed it in 16:9 letterbox – and theimage on view has no defects to be found. It can look a little soft at times,but that’s due to the way it was filmed.

On DVD you get the benefits of Dolby Digital 5.1 sound. Most of the show usesit mainly for ambience, but when the need comes for split-surround action oran effect going from front to back and vice versa, it’s a clear and pleasingexperience.

This package contains the series on five discs, with two episodes to each disc,plus a sixth for the special features. Alas, despite all that space there’sjust a single piece of supplementary material – a 42-minute documentary aboutthe series, called “Inside Taken”. I found it rather unnaturalthe way those talking spoke to the camera looked directly on into it. Thisextra is presented in 16:9 letterbox, blending clips of the programme in thesame format.

The main menus have a small amount of animation and sound that’s repeated ina loop, Subtitles are in English and there are 10 chapters per episode, butthese aren’t quite evenly spread.


Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2003.

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