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Traveta reviews

Jackie Brown

Distributed by
Buena Vista Home Entertainment

Jackie Brown is Quentin Tarantino's throwback to 70s cinema. Not just blaxplotation but the whole feel to the movies back then. It's got the music, it's got the dialouge, and it's got the cinematic feel. Long overdue on DVD, Jackie Brown comes to us the same day as the Pulp Fiction: Collector's Edition DVD and surrounded by the onslaught of Reservoir Dogs: 10th Anniversary: Collector's Edition. It's expensive to be a Quentin Tarantino fan, isn't it? But is the DVD worth the five years of wait?

Jackie Brown tells a relatively simple story but if it's one thing I've learned from Tarantino it's that the simple plots can turn into quite a web. It focuses mainly on Jackie (Pam Grier), Ordell (Samuel L. Jackson), and Max (Robert Forster). Jackie is an airline attendant caught with money she was smuggiling for arms dealer, Ordell. Max plays the bondsman and frees Jackie from jail. But the feds want a piece of Ordell and wish to use Jackie to get it. But she has a plan of her own. She begins to use the feds and Ordell to keep the money and concocts a rather complicated scheme.

While not as great or provacative as Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, or True Romance (Tony Scott directed that one, Quentin wrote), it's hard not to like Jackie Brown. But where the film falls short is it's length. Clocked in at a whopping 2 hours and 34 minutes I found myself watching in multiple viewings. Pulp Fiction was up there in length as well but it always had some new plot to keep it interesting. Upon first viewing, you really have to be on your toes to catch the whole gist of the plot - something Tarantino has a knack for. But on second viewing it all fell into place. Add in great acting from everyone (even Michael Keaton!), great dialouge, and Tarantino's camera style and you've got a good, if slightly flawed, film.

The jacket states that Jackie Brown is in 2.35:1 widescreen but it is really in 1.85:1. The anamorphically-enhanced picture is done well with only a few problems. I noticed a lot of dirt and specks on the print and background pixelization is noticed at times. But where this transfer really shines is the color pallette. Flesh tones and other colors in the film have a brightness and almost three-dimensional look to them (take a look at the stunning Bridgete Fonda) that I did not expect. Overall, a good transfer that, like the film, shines sometimes and sometimes does not.

Audio is presented in two flavors: Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS 5.1. Like Pulp Fiction, the audio is very defined. But unlike Pulp Fiction there are really not many loud situations to test it out. Overall, this a dialouge driven film and the track represents that very well.

Buena Vista has pulled out all the stops in the extra department with this release. Here's how it stacks up:

Disc 1:

Disc 2:

Overall, a pretty good package put together by Buena Vista. A very nice touch with the B Movie trailers I might add.

The packaging is exactly like the Pulp Fiction release. A cardboard slip case that has a folded opening case for the movie and extras. A collectible booklet and a poster are also included. The film is split into 25 chapters and menus are animated with scenes from the movie playing in the background.

Overall, Jackie Brown has received a great DVD treatment and should please fans. The movie is a bit too long but should still be looked at if only for Tarantino's trademark dialouge.



Review copyright © Traveta, 2002.

Email Traveta

The following is a list of all the Quentin Tarantino movies online to date (region 2, except where specified) :

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